The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) has developed the following key messages to share at the Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD 2021). The messages are organized around six APFSD 2021 agenda items, and outline how policymakers can preserve a harmonious relationship between nature and humanity in the COVID-19...
公益財団法人地球環境戦略研究機関( IGES )は、内閣官房と外務省が意見募集した「持続可能な開発目標( SDGs )に関する自発的国家レビュー( VNR )」に対して、パブリックコメントを提出しました。 SDGs の達成に向けた取り組みを着実なものとするためには、 SDGs の実施をモニタリングし、レビュー(評価)し、その結果に基づいて取り組みの改善を図るプロセスが非常に重要であるため、 SDGs を承認した国連加盟国は、自発的国家レビュー( Voluntary National Review : VNR )という形で進捗を報告することが求められています。 VNR は毎年 7 月に開催されている「国連持続可能な開発のためのハイレベル政治フォーラム( HLPF )」で発表が行われており...
Key Messages A reason COVID-19 has had such far-reaching impacts is it stems from multiple interconnected risks. The difficulties that policymakers face in managing related risks not only deepen vulnerabilities to COVID-19 but other planetary crises. Explicitly recognizing and acting to achieve the co-benefits of integrated air pollution, climate...
The evolution of long-term sustainable societies is closely connected to the transformation of the physical built environment in which those societies operate. In this paper, we present a comprehensive set of narratives for the built environment in Japan, consistent with the shared socio-economic pathways (SSPs) framework, to assess the future...
This publication aims to promote local climate actions by disseminating information on the announcement by 31 local governments in the Kyushu region of Japan on their commitment to be “Zero Carbon Cities” by 2050. It compiles the background, current situation and challenges, along with domestic and international trends on a net zero carbon society.
This article was originally published in KOSMOS 7 (2020), a publication of the Expo '90 Foundation. This article discusses the need to redesign society to realise transformative change and to reconsider the relationship between humans and nature, which is considered to be a root cause of the pandemic of COVID-19. The Triple R Framework proposed by...
This report identifies a range of possibilities. It does so by pointing out domestic and international issues that are the driving forces for social change, and referring to strategies and roadmaps put forward by governments and a range of organisations. This report summarises how these issues bring about social change and affect resource and...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews所収
“Just Transition” is an important, brand new concept to implement policies towards decarbonisation of the power sector in Japan. However, a knowledge gap still remains between this concept and policy discussion at a practical level. Therefore, using the existing scenarios of decarbonisation of the power sector and employment factors for the power...
Sustainability 2020, 12, 6565: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su12166565所収
The issue of food waste, especially in developing economies, is a puzzle. Hanoi was selected as a case study to examine the current situation of food waste generated by consumers through daily habits/practices and to evaluate options for preventing and reducing food waste at the policy level through a literature/policy review and interview-style...
Plastics are an integral part of our daily life. Today, the linear model of “make, use, and dispose” plastic materials poses a serious threat to the public health and environment. Though there are a large number of interventions made across the country, the impact is not yet visible. It is realised that challenges with plastic waste are so...
Many decision makers are contemplating whether policies and investments made in the wake of COVID-19 are inclusive, resilient and sustainable enough to bring about a course change in development . T his paper outlines the design features of framework that helps policymakers steer a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable course. What the...
Climate smart agriculture (CSA) consists of more than 70 technological and behavioural changes that can help farmers mitigate and build resilience to climate change while generating sustainable yields. Despite this wealth of alternatives, CSA has not been adopted at large enough scales to realise its considerable promise. Studies explaining the...
2015年9月に国連で採択された「我々の世界を変革する:持続可能な開発のための2030アジェンダ」の中核を成すのがSDGs(持続可能な開発目標)です。SDGsの達成には、政府だけでなく、ビジネス界、市民社会などの積極的な貢献が必要とされています。 SDGsを含む2030アジェンダには、2030年の世界のありたい姿や守るべき原則が書かれているものの、それを実現していくための方法や具体的なステップは書かれていません。そこで本書では、主に企業の方向けに、SDGsに取り組むための方法や具体的なステップを説明することを試みました。 知識編では企業にとってなぜSDGsが重要なのかを解説し、実践編では具体的な取り組みのステップとツール、先進的な企業の取り組み事例を紹介します。 ページ数 256ページ...
This report provides practical information, suggestions, and guidelines on Healthcare Waste Management (HCWM) and Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) given the restrictions and limitations imposed by the ongoing pandemic, including lack of human resources, technologies, equipment, and funds. This report builds on existing and ad- hoc...
This report assesses to what extent the national governments of ASEAN countries have made concrete domestic efforts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in terms of policies and budgets as listed in their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs). Methods used by this report are similar to those used by a comparable study of the G20...
Sustainability 所収
Increasing attention is being paid to lifestyles in sustainability research and policymaking. Applying a foresight approach to sustainable lifestyles supports this increased focus by highlighting possible futures while also empowering citizens through a participatory process. Foresight has its origins in theory and practice to serve the...
In a few short months, COVID-19 has morphed from a dangerous regional health threat to an all-consuming global pandemic and economic disaster. COVID-19’s rapid spread has had far-reaching implications on the everyday lives of people in nearly all corners of the world, and underlines the need for governments at all levels to coordinate cross-cutting...
Plastic Waste and Recycling Environmental Impact, Societal Issues, Prevention, and Solutions所収
Eight of the world's top 20 countries as sources of marine debris are from Asia—China, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, and India (Jambeck et al., 2015). In other words, the Asia-Pacific region is now recognized as a hotspot of plastic pollution of the oceans. These countries are facing typical challenges...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 所収
In the course of implementing the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, policymakers, practitioners and academics have increasingly acknowledged the urgency of addressing the food waste (FW) issue in urban areas of developing economies. This paper selected Bangkok as a case study to evaluate options for preventing and reducing...
Accumulation of plastic wastes in the marine eco-system is growing rapidly with the increase of plastic production and consumption patterns, particularly single-use plastics as well as unsustainable plastic waste management practices. Land-based sources are recognised as the main cause (up to 80% of total marine debris) of marine plastic pollution...
Story Highlights; The HLPF has struggled to encourage countries to “integrate the three dimensions” of sustainable development, even though interlinkages among the 17 SDGs and their targets have been identified. A clear illustration of different tools, approaches, and conceptual frameworks for better understanding interlinkages between the SDGs...
This is a presentation delivered at a side event of HLPF 2019. The results of the latest SDG survey and interviews targeting member companies and organisations of the Global Compact Network Japan are presented.
This paper explores the current understanding regarding the Circulating and Ecological Economy (CEE) and the Regional/Local CES concepts put forward by Japan’s Fifth Basic Environment Plan. The CEE and the Regional/Local CES advance a low-carbon, self-reliant, and decentralised society based on living in harmony with nature. The Regional/Local CES...
UNEP published the Air Pollution in Asia and the Pacific: Science-based Solutions, the first-ever comprehensive scientific assessment of air pollution outlook in the region. It outlines 25 clean air measures that could achieve safe air quality levels for 1 billion people by 2030 - with numerous benefits for public health, economic development and...
Routledge Handbook of Climate Justice所収
"This Handbook is a timely and significant contribution to the growing body of academic literature on climate justice. It comes at a critical turning point in UNFCCC climate negotiations with the imminent review of the Paris Agreement. It is an excellent knowledge resource bound to be of particular interest to academics, practitioners and students...
Waste Management所収
Municipal solid waste management (MSWM) is considered one of the serious environmental issues in the Philippines, with corresponding linkages to the climate change and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, methane (CH4) linked with indiscriminate dumping of municipal solid waste has received the much attention with regard to public health...
The Asia-Pacific region is facing the challenges of securing water, energy and food. These challenges are intensifying due to economic growth and transformation, population growth, unsustainable land and resource use, changing lifestyles and climate change. As they are interconnected, to avoid major trade-offs these challenges need to be addressed...
Realising the Transformative Potential of the SDGs所収
Transforming Finance and Investment for the SDGs
Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ) and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) launched of a report* summarising the results of a survey on the progress front-running Japanese businesses are making towards realising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The publication, "SDGs and Business for the Future: Actions by Private...
Governance for Integrated Solutions to Sustainable Development and Climate Change From Linking Issues to Aligning Interests所収
Governance for Integrated Solutions to Sustainable Development and Climate Change From Linking Issues to Aligning Interests
NDCs are the sets of nationally driven actions that countries pledged to the UNFCCC in the wake of the Paris Agreement. Countries in Asia could capitalize on the political and financial support flowing from the Paris Agreement and NDCs to help mitigate Short Lived Climate Pollutants(SLCPs) and curb air pollution. This paper has three objectives...