126件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
A report issued by the UN-convened Expert Group on Climate and SDG Synergy presents a number of recommendations urging governments to break down fragmentation and silos at national and international levels, to tackle the climate and sustainable development crises in tandem and achieve transformative change. The report is being launched before...
Four reports are being launched on 11 June by experts convened by the UN, showing how action to tackle climate change and the Sustainable Development Goals can be accelerated by addressing both crises together, notably in the key areas of policy frameworks; financial systems; knowledge and data; and cities. Under the umbrella title Seeking Synergy...
IGES in partnership with the START International, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT, Thailand), Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology (VNIT, India) and Thammasat University (TU, Thailand) convened a learning and reflection workshop on climate and sustainable development actions in Asian city-regions (from 17-19 January 2024), to explore...
Focusing on the context of Bangladesh, this discussion paper explores the potential of agrivoltaics for unlocking co-benefits of clean energy, GHG reduction and better livelihood potentials in rural areas of Bangladesh. In alignment to the Government of Bangladesh’s vision for net-zero transition and established policies, the paper underlines the...
This publication explains the works that have been conducted under the commission work of MOEJ called "International Support through AP-PLAT (AP-PLATを通じた国際支援業務)". The work consisted of mainly four projects: 1) AP-PLAT Partner collaboration, 2) Capacity development programme on monitoring and evaluation tool, 3) Development of E-learning materials...
WEPA Fourth Phase Final Report
Recognizing that the improvement of water environmental governance is essential to solve water pollution problems in the Asian Region, the Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA) was launched in 2004 by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. During the fourth phase of WEPA, which began in FY2019, the objective of WEPA’s fourth phase was...
IGES and Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) conducted the Regional-CES Scoping Project to assess the potential of promoting the Regional-CES concept in Asia. The scoping project organised workshops to engage key national and local stakeholders in the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia in order to promote the Regional-CES concept...
The 15th International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific
Considering the current shortfalls in timely realization of the targets set as per the UN-2030 Agenda, there is a genuine need for new approaches to integrate diverse policies and actions, in order to realize a more liveable, just and ecologically sustainable future. Correspondingly, CES has recently emerged as an integrated approach for...
Environment and Urbanization ASIA所収
This study evaluates the gaps between urban and rural linkages within the corridor of Hoi An city and suggests potential solutions utilizing the circulating and ecological sphere principles for further strengthening these linkages and gradually promoting sustainable development of the city and surrounding area. A face-to-face interview method and...
1件中 1~1件目を表示中 (日付順)
Updated: 2022年9月
不可分な地球規模課題への統合的な取り組み 国連気候変動枠組条約第26回締約国会議(COP26)では、現在各国の自国が定める貢献(NDC)に記載されている目標値をすべて足し合わせても、2030年の温室効果ガス排出量は2010年比で13.7%増加することに対し、深刻な懸念が示されました* 。また、SDGsについても、年を追うごとに達成までの予測期間が長くなっていることが指摘されています。具体的には、2017年のSDGs達成予測が2052年であったのに対して、2021年には達成予測が2065年まで延び