8件中 1~8件目を表示中 (日付順)
今年度の本事業では、都市間連携事業を通じた日米連携による第三国の脱炭素支援の推進するため情報収集、情報発信を行うウェブサイトの構築・拡充、また、 post コロナ・ with コロナにおける社会変容を捉まえたうえでの環境インフラ導入等の議論を行うための国際フォーラムを開催した。これらに加え、都市間連携事業パンフレット等の作成、ウェブサイトを通じた情報発信を行う等、 post コロナ・ with コロナにおける脱炭素都市のあり方について検討を行い、脱炭素・低炭素化事業の案件形成や制度構築支援の強化・推進に努めた。
Many decision makers are contemplating whether policies and investments made in the wake of COVID-19 are inclusive, resilient and sustainable enough to bring about a course change in development . T his paper outlines the design features of framework that helps policymakers steer a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable course. What the...
This report is for the project commissioned by Ministry of the Environment, Japan. The project aimed to promote international environmental cooperation led by Japan through conducting the following activities in a comprehensive manner --- survey and information collection to identify challenges of Asian countries to achieve Sustainable Development...
This report is an annex of the main commission report on MOEJ's project for promotion of international cooperation to achieve SDGs in developing countries. This annex contains outlines and minutes of two bilateral environmental policy dialogues conducted in Japan -- One is dialogues between Japan and Mongolia (organised in December 2017) and...
This report is an annex of the main commission report on MOEJ's project for promotion of international cooperation to achieve SDGs in developing countries. This annex contains result of desk study on ASEAN activities and initiatives on the environment.
This is a final report on the project for promoting Asian regional collaboration on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), under a lump-sum contract with Ministry of the Environment, Japan in FY 2017. The project consists of three components: i) Study on policy and implementation of country EIA system in seven Asian countries, namely, Cambodia...
This report is an annex of the main commission report on MOEJ's project for promotion of international cooperation to achieve SDGs in developing countries. This annex contains a report of the 9th EAS (East Asia Summit) High-level seminar on sustainable cities (HLS-SC) that was organised in March 2018, Siem Reap, Cambodia.
エネルギー資源学会 第34回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス
AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Model) team has conducted GHG mitigation scenario development since 1989. We have developed not only global/national but local low carbon society (LCS) scenarios. In this paper, we introduce our methodology to develop local LCS scenarios including 1) Procedure and Work/Events, 2) Modeling Scheme, 3) Database and 4)...