90件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
Environmental Research Letters所収
The announcement of India's 2070 net-zero target has demonstrated the power of a credible policy signal and changed the course of India's climate debate. While the Government of India (GoI) has not specified whether this target refers to carbon-dioxide or all greenhouse gases, the announcement has been a watershed moment in India's climate policy...
Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor所収
India’s national government has offered strong support for the development of green hydrogen as part of the country’s clean energy transition. However, much of the actual progress in this transition will depend not on national but subnational governments. This paper argues that India’s subnational governments have significant potential to...
The year 2023 marked a concerning milestone in climate history with the global average temperature being 1.45 ± 0.12°C above the pre-industrial average. The Global Stocktake at COP28 showed that the projected temperature rise is expected to be between 2.1 - 2.8°C even if nationally determined contributions (NDCs) of all countries are fully achieved...
This policy brief focuses on the international collaboration necessary to equitably progress towards the sustainable energy transition. In that context, it addresses SDG 12 - responsible consumption and production, and in particular SDG target 12.2 - achieving sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources. Based on recent research...
As the climate crisis worsens, the nexus between security considerations and climate is attracting both policy and academic attention. Despite its socio-political importance, the significance of considering climate change from a security and diplomatic perspective has not yet been fully explored in the policy arena and on-the-ground actions. The...
India’s national government has offered strong support for the development of green hydrogen as part of the clean energy transition. However, much of the actual progress in this transition will depend on subnational governments. This paper argues India’s subnational governments have significant potential to capitalise on diverse natural resource...
Quantifying the co-benefits of renewable energy investments can aid policymakers in identifying technologies capable of generating significant social, economic, and environmental benefits to effectively offset mitigation costs. Although there has been a growing body of work evaluating co-benefits, few studies have compared the potential co-benefits...
Though the worst of COVID-19 appears to be over, it also raises important questions about COVID-19's immediate and then longer-term impacts on urban air quality. To understand both sets of impacts, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Asia Pacific Office, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), the Ministry of...
Hydrogen in Decarbonization Strategies in Asia and the Pacific所収
This chapter explores the interest in hydrogen adoption across Asian countries for achieving net-zero goals, with a particular focus on Japan's prominent role. While Japan has taken strides in hydrogen initiatives, the extent to which its strategy aligns with ambitious climate targets remains uncertain. The chapter emphasises the importance of...
Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Report所収
• Climate change is already causing serious negative impacts in the region. In the future, extreme weather and sea level rise will cause mounting economic costs in terms of damage to health, infrastructure, and food security. • ASEAN Member States (AMS) have a variety of policies and responses to climate change adaptation and disaster risk...
6件中 1~6件目を表示中 (日付順)
Updated: 2024年12月
Updated: 2025年1月
G20 特集 2024
ブラジルが議長国を務める2024年のG20サミットが、11月18日から19日にかけてリオデジャネイロで開催されました。世界は今、気候変動、生物多様性の損失、環境汚染といった同時多発的かつ連動した危機に直面しています。さらに、長引く紛争や貧困により、持続可能な開発への道のりは険しいものとなっています。G20は2024年のスローガンとして”Building a Just World and a Sustainable Planet (公正な世界と持続可能な地球の構築)”を掲げています。G20は...
Updated: 2025年2月
Updated: 2023年10月
G20 特集 2023
Updated: 2022年9月
不可分な地球規模課題への統合的な取り組み 国連気候変動枠組条約第26回締約国会議(COP26)では、現在各国の自国が定める貢献(NDC)に記載されている目標値をすべて足し合わせても、2030年の温室効果ガス排出量は2010年比で13.7%増加することに対し、深刻な懸念が示されました* 。また、SDGsについても、年を追うごとに達成までの予測期間が長くなっていることが指摘されています。具体的には、2017年のSDGs達成予測が2052年であったのに対して、2021年には達成予測が2065年まで延び
Updated: 2023年3月