83件中 1~10件 (日付順)
MATTER: International Journal of Science and Technology所収
Due to ever increasing demand, the electronics industry has been growing at a rapid pace, and therefore handling and management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) has become one of the key problems in the modern world. Improper handling and management of WEEE in developing countries can cause a huge environmental damage and threats...
Journal of Cleaner Production所収
Food waste remains a critical issue in Japan, especially in light of the country's low food self-sufficiency rate and shortage of available landfill sites for waste disposal. In order to evaluate options for further preventing and mitigating food waste in Japan, we analyzed food waste trends by estimating the disparity between calorie/protein...
Katherine Rittenhouse
Peter Sopher
Daniel Francis
Stefano De Clara
Jeff Swartz
This case study covers the experimental Japanese voluntary ETS, the J-Credit System, the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program, the Joint Crediting Mechanism, Commentary on Market Functioning, and Policy Distinction. Remarks: This case study is co-authored by the IGES, the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), and the Environmental Defense Fund...
Assuming all thermal power plants currently planned for construction and replacement are put into operation, coal-fired and gas-fired power plants need to operate below 56% and 43%, respectively, of their capacity factor in order to achieve Japan’s electric power sector’s voluntary emissions intensity targets for 2030. However, the voluntary...
Journal of Cleaner Production所収
Responding to the climate change, Korea has been establishing a domestic policy framework for promoting energy saving and greenhouse gases reduction, with the expansion of low carbon technologies for industry as a key area. This paper analyzes investment barriers for low carbon technology investment and suggests supportive policies based on a...
GEO-6 Regional Assessment for Asia and the Pacific所収
• The emergence of multiple global environmental goals clearly signals a need to reverse the trend of deteriorating environmental conditions across the region. Despite some deficiencies, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been successful in showing the effectiveness of a goal-based approach to problem solving. • New or revised agreements...
2016年2月、日本の温室効果ガス排出量の約4割を占める電力部門における排出削減の取り組みが明らかになりました。本ペーパーでは、これまでに至る経緯を概観した後、自主的枠組みと制度的仕組みを紹介し、電力部門の低炭素化に向けた中長期的な観点からの課題及び石炭火力・ガス火力発電新設に伴う様々なリスクについてまとめています。 Remarks: 7月15日改訂 ○石炭火力及びガス火力発電に対するポリシーミックスの在り方として、政府が講じる政策措置は電気事業低炭素社会協議会を中心とする自主的取り組みを促すものであることを明記致しました。 ○火力発電所の設備容量に関するデータの更新、発電所の年式別熱効率のデータを追加致しました。 ○2030年、2050年時点で想定されるCO2排出量及び各時点の原単位目標...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information所収
Soil moisture (SM) plays a key role in many environmental processes and has a high spatial and temporal variability. Collecting sample SM data through field surveys (e.g. for validation of remote sensing-derived products) can be very expensive and time consuming if a study area is large, and producing accurate SM maps from the sample point data is...
Groundwater Environment in Asian Cities: Concepts, Methods, and Case Studies所収
Groundwater has been a traditional source of water supply in Japan for a long period of time. After the country entered a rapid phase of industrialization and urbanization, there was an obvious increase in the pressures on the groundwater environment. Uncontrolled abstraction of groundwater soon led to the emergence of problems such as drawdown of...