100件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
Vietnam Business Forum: Opportunities for Low-Carbon Technology Transfer
The author first introduced about the Joint Crediting Mechanism proposed by the Government of Japan to all audiences, who are Japanese and Vietnamese enterprises located in Ho Chi Minh city. Then, he explained about the JCM Financing Programmes funded by the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. He also gave a detailed explanation on (i) the...
This case study covers the experimental Japanese voluntary ETS, the J-Credit System, the Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program, the Joint Crediting Mechanism, Commentary on Market Functioning, and Policy Distinction. Remarks: This case study is co-authored by the IGES, the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), and the Environmental Defense Fund...
In ISAP2016 Discussion Paper - Parallel Session 1
This material was prepared for the International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP) 2016 as an executive summary of the IGES Discussion Paper DP1601: Koakutsu, K., Amellina, A., Rocamora, A.R. & Umemiya, C. (2016): Operationalizing the Paris Agreement Article 6 through the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) - Key Issues for Linking...
This papers informs the current progress and lessons from the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) and how they will contribute to the efforts in climate mitigation, especially Post-2020 to achieve the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the context of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Upon the analysis of IGES researchers, this report offer...
In the assessment of the substantial impact on the emissions reduction by the clean development mechanism (CDM), a large number of literatures indicate that there were concerns in the determination of the additionality of CDM projects particularly in the power sector, such as wind power, hydropower, natural gas, coal-fired power and waste heat...
"CDM in Charts" is a booklet with a good reputation for providing a plain and easy-to-understand description of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). * This page stores the archived PDF. For the latest version, please download from: http://pub.iges.or.jp/modules/envirolib/view.php?docid=835 Remarks: Update log: ver. 1.0 (Apr. 2007) ver. 1.1 (May...
This document aims to provide a comprehensive and easy-to-understand description of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) including JCM concept, JCM project cycle, JCM related bodies, JCM project methodology, project design document (PDD), Registration process, post registration activities, procedure for issuance of credits, and procedure for...
2℃目標の達成には、国家レベルの中長期ビジョンに加え、自治体、企業の気候変動分野での取り組みを連携させる仕組みの導入が鍵となります。UNFCCC/COP21で採択されたパリ協定に非国家主体による気候アクションが明記されたことを踏まえ、自治体の主体的なアクションを促すために必要なUNFCCCでの制度や、自治体にとってのメリットについて考察します。 Remarks: English Summary: http://pub.iges.or.jp/modules/envirolib/view.php?docid=6197
This is the summary of a working paper to strengthen linkage between UNFCCC and Cities for transformative actions. In order to accomplish 2-degree Celsius target, national target and local climate change actions should be linked. UNFCCC/COP needs a mechanism linking the mid-term national vision, and climate change actions by the Non-State Actor...
2件中 1~2件目を表示中 (日付順)
Updated: 2024年12月
Updated: 2024年1月
国連気候変動枠組条約第28回締約国会議(UNFCCC COP28)が11月30日からアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)・ドバイで開催されます。本特集ページでは、COP28に先立ち、IGESが関与する気候変動交渉やCOP28関連イベントの情報をお伝えするほか、IGES研究員がCOP28の焦点となるトピックを解説します。また、IGESの関連出版物やCOP28開催期間中のサイドイベント情報も随時更新していきます。