アメリナ アルヤニ

Former Staff (from Jul 2015 - Apr 2019 )
64件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
Sustainability Science所収
This paper presents an approach for assessing lifestyle carbon footprints and lifestyle change options aimed at achieving the 1.5 °C climate goal and facilitating the transition to decarbonized lifestyles through stakeholder participatory research. Using data on Finland and Japan it shows potential impacts of reducing carbon footprints through...
パリ協定の実施やネット・ゼロを目指す自治体や地域の増加を踏まえ、ライフスタイルの転換への注目が高まっている。カーボンフットプリント研究により日本においても製品やサービスの購入を通じた間接排出量がライフサイクルGHG 排出の半分以上を占めることが明らかとなっている。しかし、ライフスタイル及び消費パターンは多様であるため、一国における平均値や合計値だけではこの課題を捉えきれない。国内における消費者間の差に着目した分析が望まれるが、既存研究は世帯人数、収入、年齢に着目した分析が殆どである。本研究では、全国消費実態調査の匿名ミクロデータを用いて日本における約47,000サンプル世帯の一人当たりカーボンフットプリントを推計した。さらに、推計したカーボンフットプリントに関し...
Addressing the prevailing mode of high-carbon lifestyles is crucial for the transition towards a net-zero carbon society. Existing studies fail to fully investigate the underlining factors of unsustainable lifestyles beyond individual determinants nor consider the gaps between current footprints and reduction targets. This study examines latent...
10th International Conference on Industrial Ecology
In this study, carbon footprints of households are estimated based on a combination of physical consumption and monetary-based data. Long-term targets for carbon footprints are established based on a review of existing emission scenarios. Hotspots for lifestyle carbon footprints, in nutrition, housing, mobility, and other domains, are identified...
Tämä raportti ehdottaa hiilijalanjälkitavoitteita ja vaihtoehtoja sille, miten yhteiskunta voi elämäntapamuutosten kautta rajoittaa ilmaston lämpenemisen enintään 1,5 asteeseen Pariisin ilmastosopimuksen tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Sekä aihetta käsittelevä kirjallisuus että poliittinen päätöksenteko ja liike-elämä ovat toistaiseksi keskittyneet...
T-20 Climate Change and Environment
Scientific evidence suggests that cumulative GHG emissions have already caused climate change, which tolled victims all over the world but quite often charged disproportionally high costs to poor segment of the world, and substantial mitigation actions are needed to avoid irreversible catastrophic change in ecosystems that underpin very human...
"JCM dalam BAGAN untuk Indonesia" is part of the "JCM in CHARTS" series, which aims to provide a comprehensive and easy-to-understand description of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) in each host country. This version describes the rules, procedures, and references for implementing the JCM in Indonesia in the Bahasa Indonesia language.
This report demonstrates that changes in consumption patterns and dominant lifestyles are a critical and integral part of the solutions package to addressing climate change. The report fills a gap in the existing research by establishing global targets for lifestyle carbon footprints, examining current consumption patterns and their impacts on...
