16件中 1~10件 (日付順)
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) has carried out policy research on strengthening capacities for effective implementation of Education for Sustainable Consumption (ESC) and identifying pathways to facilitate mainstreaming of ESC with a specific focus on the roles governments can play in promoting sustainable consumption. An...
Th is report was developed by Friends of the Earth Japan (FoE Japan) and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) with updated case studies as an English-language version of the Japanese report “Yori sukunai shigen de yori yutakana kurashi wo (A Richer Life with Fewer Resources),” published by FoE Japan in March 2013. This report...
This report was developed as part of a series of three research publications on the research project led by UNU-IAS and IGES on monitoring and evaluation of education for sustainable development, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This report specifically focuses on the development of an appropriate framework for structuring the approach on...
This report was developed as part of a series of three research publications on the research project led by UNU-IAS and IGES on monitoring and evaluation of education for sustainable development, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This report specifically focuses on the assessment of ESD learning performance. The information contained here...
This report was developed as part of a series of three research publications on the research project led by UNU-IAS and IGES on monitoring and evaluation of education for sustainable development, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. This report specifically focuses on the study of ESD implementation at a national level and tries to identify the...
Meeting of the Japan-US Sustainable Transition Network
At the meeting of the Japan-US Sustainable Transitioin Network funded by the Center for Global Partnership, The Japan Foundation Grant Program: Japan-US Global Partnership, Hotta made a presentation on IGES research relevant to sustainable transition and sustainble lifestyles. The meeting was held at Mita Campus of Keo University and participated...
COP21 で採択されたパリ協定においては、世界全体の平均気温の上昇を2℃より⼗分下⽅に抑える世界共通の⽬標が設定され、我が国のみならず、世界全体での⼤幅削減が必要である。また、我が国においては、昨年10 ⽉に菅内閣総理⼤⾂が2050 年までにカーボンニュートラルを⽬指すことを宣⾔したほか、今年4 ⽉には2030 年度に温室効果ガス46%の削減、さらに50%の⾼みに向け挑戦する旨を宣⾔しており、脱炭素社会の構築が求められている。 2019 年6 ⽉に我が国が議⻑国となり開催された、G20 持続可能な成⻑のためのエネルギー転換と地球環境に関する関係閣僚会合では、イノベーションをテーマとする議論が⾏われ「軽井沢イノベーションアクションプラン」が採択された。こうしたG20 の成果を受けて...
10th International Conference on Industrial Ecology
In this presentation, the characteristics of different consumer segments and their carbon footprints will be examined based on the analysis of consumer expenditure and time-use survey data. It utilises anonymised survey microdata and carbon intensity from existing EEIOA databases and focuses on in-depth analysis of the relationships between...
Climate Change Symposium: Changing By Degrees Multidisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
Household consumption in the United States has significant impacts on climate change through the consumption of food, mobility, housing, consumer goods, leisure, and others. Consumer lifestyles and their climate change impacts vary significantly across consumer segments due to their household characteristics, and how they spend money and time. In...