ディッドハム ロバート ジェイムス

Former Staff (from May 2009 - Jul 2017 )
128件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
Japan’s Climate change Adaptation Initiative was announced by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the UN Climate Summit 2014 with the aim to support the adaptive capacity of developing countries in a holistic manner. The Adaptation Initiative includes support for designing adaptation planning based on scientific knowledge and for capacity development of...
平成27 年11 月、日本では「気候変動の影響への適応計画」が閣議決定された。開発途上国の適応計画を支援することは日本の適応計画の戦略の一つとして盛り込まれており、科学的知見に基づいた有効な計画策定の支援を行うこととしている。本業務では、「平成27 年度適応イニシアティブ推進のための地域横断的人材育成等に向けた調査・検討業務」および「平成28 年度アジア太平洋地域における気候変動適応分野の知見共有、人材育成支援業務」を受けて、途上国側政府及び研究機関等との協働が可能となるよう、またアジア太平洋地域の適応に関する能力向上のための人材育成、知見共有等を行うことを目的とし、(1)特定地区における緩和と適応の双方を取り扱うパイロットプログラムに関する業務、(2)適応計画...
International Review of Education所収
How collaborative governance can facilitate quality learning for sustainability in cities: A comparative case study of Bristol, Kitakyushu and Tongyeong
Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management所収
This chapter uses the Japan National Report on Disaster Reduction to the World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (Kobe, Japan) in 2005 and the National Progress Report on the Implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (2011-2013) premised on the Hyogo Framework for Action priority areas format to assess the status of disaster risk...
This is the second video of two e-learning and training videos based on the content and activities of the project entitled "Harnessing Climate Change Mitigation Initiatives to Benefit Women" funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). This 15-minute instructional video presents the nine step process that helps mainstream gender into climate...
This is the first video of two e-learning and training videos based on the content and activities of the "Harnessing Climate Change Mitigation Initiatives to Benefit Women" project funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). This 10-minute case study documentary demonstrates the urgent need to ensure women benefit from activities that mitigate...
