9件中 1~9件 (日付順)
Approximately 140 countries have committed to achieving net zero emissions by the middle of the century under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. To attain this target, local governments can play a pivotal role in coordinating decarbonisation efforts across multiple sectors, in collaboration with citizens, companies, and...
Carbon pricing instruments (CPIs) are being developed at different rates and in different forms in ASEAN Member States. The CPI survey focused on six AMS—Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam (hereafter referred as AMS-6). Taking into account the availability of facility-level MRV guidelines as well as the sectoral...
On 8 December 2023, the COP28 Japan Pavilion side event “Accelerating International Collaboration towards a Net-zero and Resilient ASEAN” was organised by the ASEAN Secretariat and the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), inviting ASEAN Member State (AMS) representatives, youth, and a European research organisation, and had a panel discussion...
Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Network (APAN)
The Asia and the Pacific is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In 2020, the region faced a record number of climate-related disasters coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting tens of millions of vulnerable people. The need to address climate change threats and build resilience has never been more urgent than now. This...
本事業では環境省が構築したアジア太平洋気候変動適応情報プラットフォーム(AP-PLAT) の3 つの柱の1 つである能⼒強化プログラムに関し、今後の活動に資する情報を収集・整理し、関係者との連携を模索することを⽬的として、以下の4つの業務をおこなった。  (1) 気候変動適応推進に必要な能力強化に係る現状及び課題の整理・分析1  (2) 気候変動適応推進に必要な能力強化に係る現状及び課題の整理・分析2  (3) 適応案件形成に向けたモデル的支援の実施 (4)AP-PLAT における能力強化支援ネットワーク強化のためのワークショップ開催 まず(1)ではアジア太平洋における既存の適応に関する能力強化研修に関し情報の整理をおこない、その 結果を(4)の会合において関連機関と共有した。(2...
7th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum
IGES organized a special event "Filling the Adaptation Gap" together with Ministry of the Environment, Japan at 7th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaption Forum on March 2021. The session purpose was to share the latest scientific findings on climate change adaptation, by introducing the two latest and world-known scientific reports "Adaptation Gap...
On May 20-24, 2019, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan EPA) and the Vietnam Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment (MONRE) participated in a twinning technical exchange program in Taipei, Taiwan. The program, which was convened by the Environmental Law Institute in its capacity as the Secretariat for the...
In support of APAN’s broad mission to “build climate change resilient and sustainable human systems, ecosystems and economies” in Asia-Pacific, the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) has provided significant funding to run the network and contribute meaningfully to helping the region’s government officials adapt to climate change. A big...
USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Third Annual Forum
Government officials from 21 countries across the Asia-Pacific region, along with development partners, met at the USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Third Annual Forum on September 15-16, 2014 in Siem Reap, Cambodia, to promote regional cooperation and knowledge exchange on Strengthening Country Systems to Access and Manage Climate Change Adaptation Finance...