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Former Staff (from Mar 2013 - Nov 2017 )
10件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
8th East Asia Summit (EAS High-Level Seminar (HLS) on Sustainable Cities
The High-Level Seminar (HLS) on Environmentally Sustainable Cities (ESC) is organised annually to gather influential East and Southeast Asia policymakers, experts and practitioners working on clean, green and sustainable cities. Since 2010, senior officials from the region’s environmental and urban line ministries, city authorities and development...
In support of APAN’s broad mission to “build climate change resilient and sustainable human systems, ecosystems and economies” in Asia-Pacific, the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) has provided significant funding to run the network and contribute meaningfully to helping the region’s government officials adapt to climate change. A big...
The international commitments in response to climate change have been made globally, particularly at COP21 in Paris in December 2015 and at COP22 in Marrakech in November 2016. All parties are required to submit their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to show their commitment in tackling the threat of climate change impacts. Climate change...
This briefing note surveys early hints and speculations regarding the Trump Administration’s possible climate policies and personnel appointments, and discusses them in the context of the surrounding domestic political context and institutional decision-making processes. A few areas for cautious optimism are identified and obstacles to the...
本ブリーフィングノートでは、今後のトランプ政権の気候政策や人事に関して、これまでの示唆や推論を概観するとともに、関連する米国内の政治的文脈と制度的な意思決定プロセスの見地から検討を行う。「慎重な楽観主義」の立場をとりうるいくつかの領域を特定し、潜在的な最悪のシナリオに対する阻害要因を明らかにする。選挙期間中の発言や政権移行チームの顔ぶれには落胆させられる一方で、トランプ政権の政策について、トランプ氏自身ですらまだはっきりと分かっていないと思われる中、その明確な方向性を示すことは時期尚早といえる。本ブリーフィングノートは、最悪のケースとして米国の気候政策と行動が交代する方向に舵を切られても、実際に実行するには、様々な制約があることを結論付けている。 Remarks: 2016年12月22日改訂
USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Third Annual Forum
Government officials from 21 countries across the Asia-Pacific region, along with development partners, met at the USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Third Annual Forum on September 15-16, 2014 in Siem Reap, Cambodia, to promote regional cooperation and knowledge exchange on Strengthening Country Systems to Access and Manage Climate Change Adaptation Finance...
During FY2013, the PMO Knowledge Management team conducted a quick study to provide a needs assessment and opportunity analysis of the external databases that are under IGES management. This review aimed to identify urgent needs for improvement in relation to the different databases as well as exploring opportunities to increase the level of...
USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific Second Annual Meeting
The USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific 2nd Annual Meeting was held on 3-4 June 2013 in Nadi, Fiji, in collaboration with the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat (PIFS) and Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and supported by UNDP, USAID and AusAID. This conference proceeding report outlines the discussions of the meeting that...
