8件中 1~8件 (日付順)
Tämä raportti ehdottaa hiilijalanjälkitavoitteita ja vaihtoehtoja sille, miten yhteiskunta voi elämäntapamuutosten kautta rajoittaa ilmaston lämpenemisen enintään 1,5 asteeseen Pariisin ilmastosopimuksen tavoitteiden mukaisesti. Sekä aihetta käsittelevä kirjallisuus että poliittinen päätöksenteko ja liike-elämä ovat toistaiseksi keskittyneet...
This report demonstrates that changes in consumption patterns and dominant lifestyles are a critical and integral part of the solutions package to addressing climate change. The report fills a gap in the existing research by establishing global targets for lifestyle carbon footprints, examining current consumption patterns and their impacts on...
Journal of Forest research所収
Currently, many researchers argue in favor of decentralization, as it facilitates more locally based and innovative forest policy. However, many local government administrations, especially those of municipalities, lack sufficient resources to function efficiently under a decentralized regime. There is an urgent need to reassess administrative...
This commentary summarises the key findings and implications of the study on Lifestyle Carbon Footprints: Long-term targets and case studies of the carbon footprints of household consumption. This study introduces and develops an approach to establishing lifestyle carbon footprints: greenhouse gases directly emitted during and indirectly induced by...
本調査では、スウェーデン、デンマーク、ドイツ、フィンランド及びフランスの 5 カ国を対象に、各国の持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)の①実施体制、②進捗状況の評価方法、③その 他独自の取組を調べた。これらの国は持続可能な開発ソリューション・ネットワーク(SDSN)とベルテルスマン財団が発表している SDG 指数等、SDGs の進捗状況に関する世界ランキ ングで常に上位につけている。これらの国の実施体制や進捗状況の評価方法等を理解する ことは、日本を含む他の国々における SDGs の実施を強化するのに有益と考えられる。 調査は、机上調査と聞き取り調査を組み合わせる手法をとった。机上調査では、各国の自発 的国家レビュー(VNR)、SDGs 行動計画、その他の関連文書を精査した。さらに、5...
10th International Conference on Industrial Ecology
In this study, carbon footprints of households are estimated based on a combination of physical consumption and monetary-based data. Long-term targets for carbon footprints are established based on a review of existing emission scenarios. Hotspots for lifestyle carbon footprints, in nutrition, housing, mobility, and other domains, are identified...
The 13th Biennial International Conference on Ecobalance (Ecobalance 2018)
This poster presentation received The People's Choice Award at the 13th Biennial International Conference on Ecobalance, 9-12 Oct. 2018, Tokyo, Japan. The poster was selected among over 90 posters by the votes of the participants. The Paris Agreement envisions a net negative carbon society by the second half of the century. Existing studies on...