14件中 1~10件 (日付順)
This report is a compilation of the policy trends in Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Cambodia, Thailand and Mongolia. It aims to disseminate information on aspects of our research activities to all interested parties, as well as to provide a basis for discussion on the further development of guidelines and recommendations to promote the participation of...
Water shortages and water related problems in Asia are increasingly attracting concern. Ahead of the Third World Water Forum (WWF3), this issue of IRES, featuring on the sustainable management of freshwater resources, introduces issues and challenges in Asia and provides invaluable suggestions to future research. EDITOR'S NOTE http://enviroscope...
HLPF2019 IGESSide Event “From Science to Implementation: Strengthening the Science Policy Interface (SPI) to Integrate Climate Change, Resilience, and the SDGs” on 11thJuly 2019, UNHQ, NY
HLPF2019 IGESSide Event “From Science to Implementation: Strengthening the Science Policy Interface (SPI) to Integrate Climate Change, Resilience, and the SDGs” on 11thJuly 2019, UNHQ, NY
First Sub-Regional workshop on Preparation of status Report and Sub-regional Roadmap for Implementing the Global Waste Management Goals toward Addressing SDGs in South Asia
Home to roughly 1.8 billion people, South Asia generates approximately 334 million tonnes of waste per year of which 174 million tonnes (57%) is organic in content. In addition to the increase in municipal solid waste, managing complex and emerging waste streams, including e-waste, food waste, construction and demolition waste, disaster waste...
Training Programmme on Climate Change for Bhutanese Policymakers
In collaboration with the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan (IGES), NIES has worked with Bhutan for years to address the adverse impacts of climate change. On February 5-8, 2018, IGES delivered a training program for policymakers, and the Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Information Platform (AP-PLAT) coordinated lectures...
「アジアの環境重大ニュース」は、IGESが1998年の設立以来、その研究ネットワークを生かして毎年末に発表しているものである。2010年度版では、アジアにおける重要な環境トピックとして「地球温暖化」「生物多様性」「持続可能な消費と生産」の3つに焦点を当てて、アジア太平洋地域の国際機関・21カ国からニュースを収集した。 Remarks: English version is available at: http://pub.iges.or.jp/modules/envirolib/view.php?docid=3144
With the goal of reporting environmental issues and actions on the formation of sustainable societies in the Asia-Pacific region, since 1998 the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) has gathered and compiled news on environmental issues and policies and released them annually as the top environmental news in the Asia-Pacific. This...
The 2009 edition of "Top News on the Environment in Asia" highlights three areas of significance for Asia under the section headings Global Warming, Biodiversity, and Sustainable Consumption and Production, and reports the important developments of 2009 as selected, for their own countries and for the region, by environment experts from...
「2009年アジアの環境重大ニュース」では、アジアにおける重要な環境トピックである「地球温暖化」、「生物多様性」、「持続可能な生産と消費」の3つに焦点を当て、国際機関とアジア太平洋地域23ヶ国の環境専門家が選んだ自国や地域内における2009年の重大ニュースを掲載している。 Remarks: English version is available at: http://pub.iges.or.jp/modules/envirolib/view.php?docid=2687