12件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
World Development Sustainability所収
Although water is a vital finite resource for sustaining life, it is under constant pressure from anthropogenic activities. Among the different types of surface water, lakes are particularly difficult to restore once water quality deteriorates due to their hydrological cycles and complex dynamics. This study compares policy implementation and its...
令和5年は、インドがG20 議長国として、7 月に環境・気候大臣会合及び9 月にサミットが開催された。 本業務では、令和5年における「G20 環境・気候大臣会合、準備会合及び関連会合等に関する支援等を行った。特に、会合の成果が環境政策の推進に資するよう、議論に必要となる資料の収集・分析、成果文書案の分析、報告書の作成等を行い、また同会合や準備会合等に関する支援等を行った。
The training modules entitled: "Decentralised Wastewater Management in ASEAN: Training Modules for the Realisation of SDG 6," developed by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) in collaboration with the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), provides a comprehensive guide to equip water and sanitation professionals, policymakers...
WEPA Fourth Phase Final Report
Recognizing that the improvement of water environmental governance is essential to solve water pollution problems in the Asian Region, the Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA) was launched in 2004 by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan. During the fourth phase of WEPA, which began in FY2019, the objective of WEPA’s fourth phase was...
Microplastics (MPs) are plastic fragments smaller than 5 mm in size that pose a significant threat to the environment and human health. They are generated from primary and secondary sources, forming a part of waste from commercial products and through the degradation of larger plastic pieces. An increasing number of scientific studies have shown...
Sixth ASEAN State of the Environment Report所収
▪ Remarkable progress has been made to improve access to safe and clean drinking water over the last 20 years; however, water degradation caused by poor sanitation and hygiene services, low water-use efficiency for agriculture, and lack of appropriate domestic wastewater treatment systems are still common challenges observed in many ASEAN Member...
The ASEAN State of the Environment Report (SOER) is a regular flagship publication of the ASEAN Senior Officials on Environment (ASOEN) which is periodically published every 3-5 years. The SOERs present a comprehensive review of the state and trends of the environment, the pressures on it and the drivers of those pressures, and the national and...
Anthropocene Science所収
While the global community has long worked to ameliorate the livelihoods of people and promote environmental sustainability around the world, many social, economic, and environmental issues remain unsolved. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) sought to end poverty but ended with mixed results depending on the country. The Sustainable...
Microplastic pollution is one of the emerging and challenging environmental issues that we face today. Freshwaters, sediment, fauna, flora and air are increasingly reported to be contaminated with tiny plastic fragments and fibres, particles smaller than 5mm. These microplastics often originate from land-based sources such as direct littering...
Although environmental sustainability provides a foundation for maintaining economic and social sustainability, it is often neglected in favor of economic sustainability. Ameliorating water impairment is costly, and policymakers do not always prioritize this problem because its economic benefits are often intangible. This study explored the...
2件中 1~2件目を表示中 (日付順)
Updated: 2023年10月
G20 特集 2023
Updated: 2023年7月
サステイナビリティ学は、地球、社会、人間のシステム間の相互作用、これらのシステムの劣化につながる複雑なメカニズム、そしてそれに伴う人間の福利へのリスクについて研究しています。 サステイナビリティ・サイエンス誌は、進化し続ける学問としてのサステイナビリティ学を発展させるためのプラットフォームを提供するものです。このプラットフォームは、既存の学問分野が取り組んでこなかった課題に取り組むことで、持続可能なグローバル社会を実現する道を示します。その中には、現象の理解と問題解決の同時追究...