12件中 1~10件 (日付順)
Maria Antonia
Ma Brida Lea
Marian Jave Delos
Maria Deandra
Microplastics (MPs) are plastic fragments smaller than 5 mm in size that pose a significant threat to the environment and human health. They are generated from primary and secondary sources, forming a part of waste from commercial products and through the degradation of larger plastic pieces. An increasing number of scientific studies have shown...
Focusing on four major ASEAN member states, including Indonesia, Viet Nam, Thailand and the Philippines, this paper reviews the current status, and identifies the gaps and prospects for achieving a high penetration of renewables for energy transition in ASEAN. These four countries have been leading renewable policies in this region and have...
The ASEAN Secretariat proposed that the preparation of the sixth State of Environment Report (SOER6) should include the development of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) which could serve as a monitoring tool for the progress of implementation of the ASEAN Strategic Plan on Environment 2016-2025 (ASPEN), and as the basis for data requirements during...
環境経済・政策学会 2023年大会
Focusing on Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines (with a share of around 75% of ASEAN’s total emissions), this presentation outlines the current status, and identifies the gaps and the prospect to achieve a high penetration of renewables for energy transition in ASEAN. Overall, the development of renewables is still at an early stage in...
The ASEAN State of the Environment Report (SOER) is a regular flagship publication of the ASEAN Senior Officials on Environment (ASOEN) which is periodically published every 3-5 years. The SOERs present a comprehensive review of the state and trends of the environment, the pressures on it and the drivers of those pressures, and the national and...
ASEAN Working Group on Coastal and Marine Environment (AWGCME) Partners Coordination Meeting
The progress report on Japan ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) Project "Strengthening Capacity for Marine Debris Reduction in ASEAN Region: Formulation of National Action Plans for ASEAN Member States and Integrated Land-to-Sea Policy Approach (Phase2 - Dec. 2021-Dec. 2023)" were made to the Members of ASEAN Working Group on Coastal and Marine...
This report aims to build a better understanding of status quo and prospect of methane mitigation in oil and gas sector of Japan. The related policies and practices, which have been taken or considered by the national government, industrial association and major companies, are reviewed and summarized accordingly. A short summary is also provided...
EDF-IGES Policy Workshop on Oil and Gas Methane Mitigation
Focusing on methane mitigation of oil and gas industry, this presentation gives an overview about policy progress on this issue in Japan and ASEAN. The good practices of related industries are summarised. The policy options are proposed and future potential for the cooperation between Japan and ASEAN are analysed accordingly.
Online Study Program on Plastic Pollution: Cambodia (MOEJ & JESC)
The synergy of tradition and innovation plays a crucial role in assessing plastic pollution, offering a comprehensive approach that combines the wisdom of established practices with the power of modern technologies. This approach is essential to effectively tackle the complex and pervasive issue of plastic pollution. Here I provide how tradition...
Environment, Development and Sustainability所収
This study’s objective is to examine how ASEAN countries reported their environment-related policies for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs), and a dataset of their environmental policies was developed. This is a necessary first step in analyzing the reasons for insufficient progress on the...