IGES has been collaborating with Shabondama Soap., Ltd., the City of Kitakyusu, the University of Kitakyushu, and the University of Palangka Raya to implment the SDGs Verification Survey funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), titled as "Disseminating Japanese Technologies to Extinguish Forest and Peatland Fire Using...
7件中 1~7件 (日付順)
Presented at the poster session of International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP) 2023
IGES is collaborating with Shabondama Soap Co. Ltd. to implement a SDGs Business Verification Survey funded by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), titled as "Disseminating Japanese Technologies to Extinguish Forest and Peatland Fire Using Environment Friendly Soap-based Fire Fighting Foam" in the Central Kalimantan Province...
Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Perspectives on Law and Governance所収
This chapter aims to bring policy and institutional considerations to the center of work on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs). Its primary purpose is to suggest policy and institutional reforms needed for an integrated and inclusive slcp strategy in Asia. The chapter begins by setting the context with a review of the interrelated yet varying...
Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium (IAMC)
Bhutan is already facing significant impacts of climate change due to its mountainous and glacial terrain. The 1.5-degree scenario is a tipping point for glacial melting and water stability in Bhutan. It is therefore absolutely crucial to develop alternative options to deal with any catastrophic situation. The results of this research demonstrate...
兵庫県では2020年度から「ひょうご高校生 環境・未来リーダー育成プロジェクト」を開催しており、青森県でも昨年度から「青森県から日本・世界の環境・エネルギー問題を考える地元高校生向けワークショップ」が始まった。これらは2050年の脱炭素社会の実現に向け、その担い手となる若手人材の育成を目的とした5~6日間の研修プログラムであり、その企画・運営にIGES関西研究センターが携わっている。これまでに兵庫県では延べ25校から104名が、青森県では6校から32名が参加した。昨今、気候変動問題をはじめとした地球環境問題に関する教育の充実の必要性が叫ばれてきており、そのような市民向けプログラムが各地で開催されるようになってきているが、高校生を対象とし...
Since the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2021, global society, including Asian countries, has entered the phase of how to implement a long-term transition roadmap to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Given vital needs for the development in many Asian countries, a...
Climate Change Economics所収
This study analyzes the changes of correlation between donor characteristics and Official Development Assistance in the mitigation sector (mitigation ODA) before and after the 2009 Copenhagen Accord under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The study used multiple regression analysis using panel data of 23 countries over 15...