CDM in CHARTS: Archives

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"CDM in Charts" is a booklet with a good reputation for providing a plain and easy-to-understand description of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

* This page stores the archived PDF. For the latest version, please download from:


Update log:
ver. 1.0 (Apr. 2007)
ver. 1.1 (May. 2007)
ver. 2.0 (Jul. 2007)
ver. 3.0 (Aug. 2007)
ver. 4.0 (Nov. 2007)
ver. 5.0 (Feb. 2008)
Ver.5.1 (May 2008)
Ver.6.0 (Aug. 2008)
Ver.6.1 (Nov. 2008)
Ver.7.0(Feb. 2009)
Ver.8.0(Jul. 2009)
Ver.9.0(Nov. 2009)
Ver.10(Jun. 2010)
Ver.11(Sep. 2010)
Ver.11.1(Oct. 2010)
Ver.12.0 (Feb. 2011)
Ver.13.0 (Apr. 2011)
Ver.14.0 (Aug. 2011)
Ver.15.0 (Nov. 2011)
Ver.16.0 (Feb. 2012)
Ver.17.0 (May. 2012)
Ver18.0 (Jun.2012)
Ver19.0 (Aug.2012)
Ver19.1 (Sep.2012)
Ver20.0 (Oct.2012)
Ver21.0 (Jan. 2013)
Ver22.0 (Apr. 2013)
Ver23.0 (Aug. 2013)
Ver24.0 (Nov. 2013)
Ver25.0 (Mar. 2014)
Ver26.0 (Nov. 2014)
Ver27.0 (Feb. 2016)
The latest vesion is available:

Archives of 'CDM/JI in CHARTS' (2004-2006) are available:

This book is made as part of CDM capacity building programme funded by Ministry of the Environment, Japan and published by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES).
