池田 まりこ

Former Staff (from Sep 2017 - Dec 2020 )
15件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
International Conference on CLIMATE CHANGE AND FOOD SECURITY in South Asia (CCFS)
The presentation provides an understanding of the complexity of issues surrounding climate change, climate security and other forms of security issues by providing several cases. It describes transboundary risks (global), climate fragility risks (Japan), food security (India), and external assistance (all countries) cases to showcase the...
Politics and Governance所収
External emergency assistance (EEA) provided in the aftermath of a disaster has costs and benefits to the donor and recipient countries. Donors benefit from quick recovery feedback effects from the trade and cultural links, and recipient countries have additional resources to manage the emergency. However, EEA costs could outweigh the benefits...
The ASEAN State of Climate Change Report (ASCCR) provides an overall outlook of the state of play of climate change issues in the ASEAN region. ASCCR is also a forward-looking report, which includes recommendations on making the transition toward 2030 and on to 2050 for both adaptation and mitigation, considering ASEAN’s development context and the...
脱炭素社会の実現を見据えて、九都県市(埼玉県、千葉県、東京都、神奈川県、横浜市、川崎市、千葉市、さいたま市、相模原市をいう。以下同様。)の都市区域における脱炭素型のライフスタイルに関する調査を行う。具体的には、九都県市都市区域内における、温室効果ガス(GHG)排出量、エネルギー、交通、住宅などのデータを収集し、行政区域または業種などの枠組み毎に、2050 年頃までにGHG 排出量のネット・ゼロを達成しうる脱炭素型のライフスタイル(例:仕事、移動、余暇など)の在り方について整理する。調査の際には、国内外におけるネット・ゼロ社会に向けた戦略作成に関する国や地方政府の取組事例等を参考にする。また、本調査は昨今の新型コロナウィルス感染症拡大による、新たな社会との調和についても加味したものとする。
ASEAN Member States have proactively taken measures to address the issue of climate change at the national and regional levels. However, some developing Member States have been facing challenges in meeting their transparency reporting requirements due to capacity constraints. Recognising these capacity gaps and the urgent needs for transformation...
The increasing frequency of heavy rainfalls and severe typhoons is said to be caused by the adverse effects of climate change. Among various climate change risks, physical damages by natural disasters in Japan are increasingly being acknowledged by the public and have been investigated in many studies. However, studies from overseas have pointed...
While the initial pieces of evidence indicate that COVID-19 induced economic slowdown and lockdown present short-term benefits to air quality and the environment, these also pose a double-edged challenge in the long-term. On one side, the slowing down of the economy can have an adverse impact on countries’ ongoing efforts towards climate mitigation...
Journal of Cleaner Production所収
Capacity building support by means of international development projects for developing countries to prepare national reporting under the Paris Agreement has taken on increasing importance. Given that support for capacity building has been provided for more than two decades, the aim of our research is to assess past trends in capacity building...
2005年に欧州でキャップ&トレード型の欧州連合域内排出量取引制度(EU ETS: European Union Emissions Trading System)が導入された。EU-ETSは世界で最も歴史の長いETS制度であり、世界の気候変動施策を先取りしたものとして、追随して行われている他の国内排出量取引制度のモデルにもなっている。EU加盟国間の大きな経済格差を含む複雑な事情と経済状況の低迷に対処する中、フェーズ1の実施からの14年間、現在に至るまで多くの課題への対処がなされてきた。しかしながら、試行錯誤的なものも含めて制度内容の変遷も大きく、非常に複雑な制度であることも否めない。 EU ETSに関しては、和文での文献、図書及びWeb上での情報は数多く存在し...
T-20 Climate Change and Environment
Scientific evidence suggests that cumulative GHG emissions have already caused climate change, which tolled victims all over the world but quite often charged disproportionally high costs to poor segment of the world, and substantial mitigation actions are needed to avoid irreversible catastrophic change in ecosystems that underpin very human...
