Results 1 - 10 of 141 (Sorted by date)
Working Paper
Focusing on four major ASEAN member states, including Indonesia, Viet Nam, Thailand and the Philippines, this paper reviews the current status, and identifies the gaps and prospects for achieving a high penetration of renewables for energy transition in ASEAN. These four countries have been leading renewable policies in this region and have...
Working Paper
Working Paper
ADBI Working Paper Series
Japan has adopted several policies that signal its intent to rely on hydrogen to achieve net-zero climate goals. However, many of those same policies are unclear about its support for a transition to green hydrogen. Relying on gray and blue hydrogen without a transition to green hydrogen will harm the climate. It will also result in several other...
Working Paper
The objective of this paper is to identify relevant indicators and highlight the current availability of data to support collection of indicators for measuring and evaluating transparency capacity under the GST. It is fair to question, why after all these years of international capacity-building do many countries, particularly developing countries...
Working Paper
本分析では、100%という最大限の再生可能エネルギー(以下、再エネ)比率を想定した状況下において、送電線や電源などの電力系統内に揚水式水力、貯水池式一般水力発電、地熱発電、バイオマス発電、家庭用ヒートポンプ式給湯器、系統に接続される電気自動車(EV)の蓄電池、水素製造装置、既存ガス火力発電を改修した水素専焼火力といった電力需給調整に必要な柔軟性 (Flexibility) を供給する能力(以下、柔軟性供給力)がどのように利用されるかを明らかにする。 そのために、系統電力需要量に対応する電源構成において、国内再エネ由来の電源が実質的に100% となるシナリオを含む6つのシナリオ(RE60海外水素、RE100、RE100α、RE90α、RE100β、RE90β)を構築した...
Working Paper
In the net-zero context, technology transfer plays a critical role in achieving the emission reduction and meeting the climate mitigation goals of countries. However, the extent of penetration of transferred technologies and their respective mitigation potential will depend on the scale of transfer among the source and recipient countries. This...
Working Paper
Climate-driven injustice is a significant economic and social concern associated with transition towards net-zero future, and that requires global and domestic environmental policies to be more sustainable and socially just. To help policymakers envision what policies might be deployed to make a net-zero transition just, this paper reviews concepts...
Working Paper
This study performs a comparative analysis of the two existing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) methodologies , Capacity-Building Assessment Matrix (CBAM) and Greenhouse Gas Inventories (GHGI) Capacity Indices , both of which aim at undertaking quantitative assessments of capacity-building efforts for climate reporting aspects. In the study...
Working Paper