Results 1 to 10 of 137 (Sorted by date)
Using the available information sources and an econometric approach for the time series dataset, this study tests the price volatility of the national carbon market, and identifies the interactions between electricity, carbon and fossil fuel prices in China. The result confirms an overreaction of carbon market prices to the considered events. There...
Using the available information sources and an econometric approach for the time series dataset, this study tests the price volatility of the national carbon market, and identifies the interactions between electricity, carbon and fossil fuel prices in China. The result confirms an overreaction of carbon market prices to the considered events. There...
In Resources, Conservation and Recycling
Integration of solar photovoltaics on croplands (“agrivoltaics”) has been promoted as an environmentally-friendly approach for solar energy deployment. Past studies, however, have not considered that these croplands could alternatively be used as sites for expanding agroforestry, a practice which provides important ecosystem services to the...
East Asia Roundtable 2024: Common interests and shared opportunities for a net-zero future
Following a briefing about the overall climate mitigation targets and policy system in Japan, this presentation explained carbon neutrality practices and trends of Japan’s steel industry in details. The challenges and technology path for the industry to achieve carbon neutrality were described. The progress in research, development and...
2020年10月、わが国が「2050年カーボンニュートラル、脱炭素社会の実現」を宣言したことを受け、2023年末の時点で、東京都・京都市・横浜市を始めとする1,013自治体(46都道府県、570市、22特別区、327町、48村)が「2050年までに二酸化炭素排出実質ゼロ」を表明した。係る自治体の総人口は約1億2,577万人にのぼる 。 葉山町(以下、本町)では、令和3年3月、2050年に温室効果ガス排出量を実質ゼロにすることを表明する「はやま気候非常事態宣言」を発表し、「町民や事業者へ再生可能エネルギーの利用や省エネルギーの推進について周知・啓発」の実施、「海や里山などを守り、本町の豊かな自然環境を未来へ継承」など5つのアクションを掲げた 。 2021年に改正した...
Focusing on four major ASEAN member states, including Indonesia, Viet Nam, Thailand and the Philippines, this paper reviews the current status, and identifies the gaps and prospects for achieving a high penetration of renewables for energy transition in ASEAN. These four countries have been leading renewable policies in this region and have...
環境経済・政策学会 2023年大会
Focusing on Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines (with a share of around 75% of ASEAN’s total emissions), this presentation outlines the current status, and identifies the gaps and the prospect to achieve a high penetration of renewables for energy transition in ASEAN. Overall, the development of renewables is still at an early stage in...
In Sustainability Science
As decarbonisation of the power sector is essential to achieve Japan’s target of net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, it becomes crucial to address how the electricity system incorporates short- and long-term variability in the power output via renewable energy. In this paper, we developed six scenarios for 100% renewable energy in...
Since the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2021, global society, including Asian countries, has entered the phase of how to implement a long-term transition roadmap to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Given vital needs for the development in many Asian countries, a...
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