IGES Integrative Strategic Research Programme for the Eighth (ISRP8) Phase began in July 2021. IGES continues to act as an agent of change to generate significant impacts towards sustainable and resilient society, including those for post COVID-19 response-recover-redesign in broad areas of IGES expertise (climate change & energy, sustainable production & consumption, biodiversity & forests, and climate adaptation & water) through co-design, co-implementation, co-production and co-delivery with key stakeholders.
In the ISRP8, IGES will further promote an integrative and inclusive approach across sectors and disciplines at the institute by materialising the concept of the regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere (CES) with the launch of the Integrated Sustainability Centre (ISC). Accordingly, IGES also aims to take a “whole-of-institute” approach and make its operations more integrative.