Results 1 to 10 of 321 (Sorted by date)
In Linking Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction and Loss & Damage
Loss and damages (L&D) caused by climate change have become important in international and national discussions. However, the least understood and addressed aspect of L&D is non-economic loss and damages (NELDs). This paper highlights the importance of identifying appropriate NELD indicators and practices to help mitigate them. The findings suggest...
In Linking Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Loss & Damage
Slow-onset events such as increasing temperature, desertification, loss of biodiversity sea-level rise, and forest degradation constitute a significant part of climate change impacts that demand greater attention. Among these, ASEAN member states (AMS) are seriously concerned about sea-level rise and loss of biodiversity that can have important...
地球規模で進む気候変動は、気象の激甚化、そして洪水や干ばつなどの自然災害を世界各地で引き起こし、新たな人道危機を生み出している。すでに社会基盤が脆弱化している紛争下の人々にとって、気候変動はリスクを増幅させる要因にもなっている。気候変動の負の影響が人類の発展や国際政治・経済の安定を阻むこの気候危機とも呼ばれる状況は、「気候安全保障」という視点から捉えることができる。人間の安全保障を掲げて開発援助に注力する日本にとって、気候危機下の人道支援の現状を分析・評価することは、今後の外交政策を展望する上で必須の課題だと言えるだろう。 気候安全保障は「日本国内に直接生じる安全保障リスク」と「日本国外で生じる安全保障リスクから波及して生じる日本の安全保障リスク」の2つに分類できる。本稿では...
As the climate crisis worsens, the nexus between security considerations and climate is attracting both policy and academic attention. Despite its socio-political importance, the significance of considering climate change from a security and diplomatic perspective has not yet been fully explored in the policy arena and on-the-ground actions. The...
On 8 December 2023, the COP28 Japan Pavilion side event “Accelerating International Collaboration towards a Net-zero and Resilient ASEAN” was organised by the ASEAN Secretariat and the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), inviting ASEAN Member State (AMS) representatives, youth, and a European research organisation, and had a panel discussion...
In Journal of Coastal Conservation
Globally, mangroves have been promoted to protect the coastal ecosystems and human settlements against weather vagaries including climate change impacts. However, climate change can also affect the mangrove ecosystems, affecting their ability to mitigate losses and damages caused by climate change. Recognizing the need to understand the impact of...
Roundtable Meeting with Higher Level Functionaries for Strengthening the Climate Security Outcomes of Adaptation Planning
Climate security refers to the direct and indirect impacts of climate change on peace and security. It also refers to the impact of climate change on the political stability, human security, national security, etc. Climate change as a threat multiplier, can exacerbate the underlying traditional security issues and human security issues. Hence...
APRU 2024 Multi-hazard Workshop: All-Hazards Approach (AHA) / Science and Technology for DRR IRIDeS, Tohoku University
In a globalized world, disaster impacts seldom remain within political boundaries but often spill over beyond national boundaries. These transboundary risks bring an added complexity to the way the multi-hazard risks impact society. Until now, most risk assessments are focused within one’s political boundaries, and that worked with limited...
Gobeshona 4 Global Conference: Locally- Led Adaptation (LLA) and resilience
Adaptation effectiveness (AE) refers to how policies and actions reduce present and future climate risks. It is a systems concept that requires a unit of measurement, expression in value terms, a baseline, and a goal. Pre-requisite/enabling conditions such as equity, justice, and fairness are essential. Over the years, progress in adaptation has...
In Disaster Risk and Management under Climate Change
Equity and fairness have a high significance in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation as it is evident that disasters affect communities differently depending on their developmental levels, and social status. Any public policy or intervention on disaster risk reduction deals with communities that are at different ‘starting lines’ in...
Results 1 to 2 of 2 (Sorted by date)
Updated: September 2024
IGES and Climate Security: Asia-Pacific Climate Security Project
The climate security featured page will share research findings and related information on climate security. We are exploring various topics, including international trends analysis, energy security, food security, climate-induced human mobility, cl
Updated: August 2023
IGES Inputs to Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD)
APFSD is an annual meeting convened by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) aimed at strengthening the region’s readiness for the United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.