Strategic Management Office

The IGES Strategic Management Office (SMO) aims to draft an integrated overall research strategy for IGES, from a comprehensive perspective. To implement this strategic plan, it will also comprehensively coordinate and facilitate internal research activities.

SMO takes the lead in promoting IGES strategic research and impact formation. SMO will proceed with comprehensive operations such as knowledge management, capacity development, quality management , networking, outreach, and external funding in order to make timely and effective inputs into important policy processes.

Strategic Planning and Coordination of Overall Research Activities

SMO will draft an integrated overall research strategy for IGES, from a comprehensive perspective. To implement this strategic plan, it will also coordinate and facilitate internal research activities.

Flagship Products

SMO collaborates with all research areas to produce flagship products that increase the visibility and recognition of IGES. One of these flagship publications is the White Paper series published every two years on a topic of strategic importance to Asia and the Pacific. In July 2015, IGES Fifth White Paper was published focusing on regional integration in Asia from a sustainability perspective.

Knowledge Management

SMO aims to improve institutional performance through development of enabling environments for knowledge creation, accumulation, retrieval and utilisation, while also facilitating better information exchange, knowledge-sharing, and innovative collaboration among staff. Internal knowledge sharing should be promoted through effective IT tools, while external delivery will be addressed through the provision of coherent mechanisms for knowledge dissemination and IGES-managed databases.

Capacity Development

SMO continues to provide strategic support and facilitate substantive, practice-based solutions and training to address the priority needs of global, regional, national and local stakeholders, while enhancing the impact generation of IGES strategic research, expertise and outputs.

Internal capacity building will be carried out to enhance institutional capabilities by systematically updating collective knowledge, skill-sets and expertise at IGES. Staff capacity will also be strengthened to produce effective research processes, outputs, dissemination and networking, thus improving research performance, production of value-added publications, and delivery of transformative products.

Quality Management of Research Outputs

SMO will work proactively to facilitate research methodologies in the early stages of output preparation to achieve high quality final products such as publications.


Networking is the key to enhancing IGES research activities and generating impact. SMO Networking Operations will assist in the effective coordination and development of multiple international and regional networking operations in which IGES research groups are involved. These will include operation of the International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet) and the Low Carbon Asia Research Network (LoCARNet). Another important role is organising and participating in key forums to promote networking, such as the International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP).


In order to raise the visibility of IGES research outputs and improve IGES' reliability as an international research institute, SMO Outreach, in close collaboration with other IGES research areas, carries out effective and timely dissemination targeting appropriate audiences and building effective impact through various methods of communication.

External Funding

A proactive strategy for the acquisition of external funding will be planned and executed. Appropriate internal coordination will be carried out to respond to new funding opportunities both domestically and internationally, and necessary support will be provided in the process of preparation toward successful acquisition of funds. IGES promotes strategic outreach activities for potential funding organisations in cooperation with domestic and overseas universities and research institutions, as well as with international organisations.

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