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Related Events
International Workshop
Building Resilience to the Risk of Compound and Cascading Disasters in the Context of Climate Change - Launch of the New e-learning Course on AP-PLAT
During this era that is defined by the climate crisis, we see a deepening risk of natural disasters in every corner of the world. The Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), along with IGES, has developed the e-learning course "Building...
COP26 Side Event
Development and utilization of information platforms towards climate resilient societies in Asia-Pacific Region
How science can be used to inform evidence-based strategic planning andimplementation of adaptation action for a climate-resilient Asi a-Pacific region? This seminar will explore the potential of partnerships between information platforms...
Past Event
Case Visit
Learning through Malaysia’s Integrated Flood Management
The frequency of large-scale natural disasters has increased in recent years, as is evident from the rise in the number of disaster events, and the severity and scale of their impact. Immediate action is required to counteract the growing disaster...
Related News
Dr. Johan Rockström Visits IGES and Delivers Special Lecture
On 9 October, Dr. Johan Rockström, the globally renowned scientist on planetary sustainability and leading researcher on planetary boundaries (Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Professor in Earth System Science at the...
IGES and Hachinohe City Sign Cooperation Agreement to Address Climate Change and Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and Hachinohe City are delighted to announce the signing of a Basic Agreement of Cooperation. This Agreement represents a commitment to collaboratively address climate change and achieve the...
IGES and ICIMOD renewed Cooperation Agreement to enhance collaboration on sustainable development
IGES and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) have renewed a Cooperation Agreement to further strengthen the long-term cooperation on mutual areas of interests of both organisations. The Parties have agreed on the...