Integrated Approaches
~Moving forward with IGES~
The SDGs encourage to integrate environmental, social, and economic dimensions of sustainable development in relevant policies and plans. IGES conducts research and creates tools that help transition from single sector to integrated solutions to sustainability challenges.
SDG Interlinkages Analysis & Visualisation Tool
In 2015, IGES developed the SDG Interlinkages Analysis & Visualisation Tool to support integrated SDG planning. The tool enables users to visualise quantified causal links between SDG targets and identify potential synergies and trade-offs. The tool is available online for free. The tool has been widely accessed worldwide. It was used to support the development of the national action plan on sustainable consumption and production in Viet Nam and the development of the SDG roadmap in Indonesia through SDG interlinkages analyses.
SDG Interlinkages Analysis & Visualisation Tool
For the past 15 years, IGES has conducted strategic policy research on co-benefits. Co-benefits are all of the benefits from actions that mitigate climate change and achieve other sustainable development priorities. Much of IGES work on co-benefits has concentrated on policies and measures that mitigate climate change while also controlling air pollution and improving public health. IGES is currently working with policymakers from many countries and cities in Asia to build the capacities to reflect co-benefits (i.e. better health) in a range of decisions. It is also working on high-level reports that will lead to more recognition of co-benefits at different levels of decision making.
Asian Co-benefits Partnership (ACP) Website
Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere (Regional-CES) Approach
The Regional Circulating and Ecological Sphere (Regional-CES) concept aims integration of low-carbon society, resource circulation, and living in harmony with nature through maximising the unique strengths of urban-rural linkages in all regions through sustainable, equitable, and efficient use of natural capital in rural environments combined with productive capital in cities in an integrated manner, leading to synergistic relationships with each other toward a sustainable and resilient regional sphere. IGES works together with its CES-Asia Consortium partners at the forefront of initiatives to advance the Reginal-CES as one of the practical integrated approaches for localization of global and national goals through collaborative research, science-based knowledge generation, co-development of actions and capacity development.