IGES CDM Investment Analysis Database

Version: 9.7
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IGES CDM Investment Analysis Database aims to provide organised information that has been used for investment analysis to demonstrate the additionality of the project activities.The listed information helps users to search for specific information on each registered, rejected and withdrawn project more easily and it also enables them to use relevant information for their own analytical purposes. All information is extracted from publicly available sources on the UNFCCC website such as Project Design Document (PDD), Validation Report, and financial analysis spreadsheets submitted for registration.

This database is freely available for use.
Recommended citation: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (2021), Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Investment Analysis Database, version 9.7. Available at: https://pub.iges.or.jp/pub/iges-cdm-investment-analysis-database
All copyrights are reserved. The source must be clearly stated when this database is reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means.


New in the 9.7 version (available data until Oct 2021):
Addition of data on 6 newly registered CDM projects.
