- English
IGES's GHG emissions database aims to compile the latest information on GHG and CO2 emissions, as reported annually by UNFCCC Annex I countries. The data covers the period from from 1990 up to two years before the submission date of the reports. This database also provides information on target compliance, in order to compare historical emission with countries' emission reduction targets under various regimes.
This database is freely available for use.
Recommended citation: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Database, version [number], accessed on [DD/MM/YYYY]. Source: https://pub.iges.or.jp/pub/iges-ghg-emissions-database
All copyrights are reserved. The source must be clearly stated when this database is reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means.
New in the version 13.1 (November 2023 update):
- Update of Portugal and Russia
- English