The National Climate Policy-GST Alignment Checklist is desgined to assist countries or other stakeholders in assessing the extent of alignment between national climate policies and the outcomes of the first global stocktake (GST1) under the Paris Agreement. These policies includes Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Adaptation...
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- SDGs: (-) 13. 気候変動に具体的な対策を
1061件中 1~10件 (日付順)
Climate change is profoundly impacting snow-dependent regions, altering hydrological cycles and threatening water security. This study examines the relationships between snow water equivalent (SWE), snow cover, temperature, and wind speed in Jammu and Kashmir, India, over five decades (1974–2024). Using ERA5 reanalysis and Indian Meteorological...
This assessment explored the extent to which Timor-Leste’s nationally determined contribution (NDC) and national adaptation plan (NAP) align with the outcomes of the first global stocktake (GST), using a systematic review based on a structured checklist. The alignment between the NDC and GST outcomes on mitigation was limited, as Timor-Leste’s NDC...
Approximately one billion tonnes of municipal organic waste are generated globally every year, although only a small fraction of this is currently recycled, with the remaining factions being either burnt or dumped in landfill sites. Composting is one of a number of different ways in which organic wastes can be converted into valuable products such...
Technology in Society所収
With nearly 70 % of the global population expected to live in urban areas by 2050, cities will need to manage energy transitions to achieve ambitious carbon neutrality goals. As the current rate of decarbonization in cities is too slow to achieve these ambitious goals, feasible pathways toward deep decarbonization are becoming increasingly urgent...
The outcome of the first Global Stocktake (GST1), concluded at COP28, is expected to firmly inform countries’ next nationally determined contributions (NDCs), due in early 2025, so as to ensure that global efforts are on track to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. Taking Malaysia as a case study country, the objective of this study is to...
2024年11月25日のNDC合同会合で事務局が提示した日本の排出削減目標案の根拠となったシナリオ分析について、世界全体の1.5℃目標とどのような関係にあるかを検討し、以下の点を指摘する。(1) 世界モデルで評価しているRITEのシナリオ分析に基づくと、排出削減経路として「上に凸」をとれば、日本の排出削減ペースは先進国だけでなく世界全体に比べても緩やかなものになる。 (2) 日本が直線的な削減経路をとった場合、国際合意の根拠となっている1.5℃目標に向けた世界の排出削減経路に比べて削減が遅くなる。 (3) 分析された、先進国は直線的削減かつ世界全体で1.5℃目標を維持しようとするシナリオは、世界全体での排出削減ペースが遅く、1.5℃目標達成に向けてリスクが大きい。
Sustainability Science所収
This article critically examines UNEP's Adaptation Gap Report 2023 (AGR2023) as a foundational source in the narrative that insufficient adaptation finance is the primary barrier to climate change adaptation and, based on this analysis, offers suggestions for future Conference of the Parties (COP) discussions on the adaptation framework. This...
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies organized "the SDGs Global Human Resource Program that Connects Learning and Society through Environmental Issues" in FY2024 under UNESCO Activity Grant by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Total of seventeen university and graduyate school students...
14th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management - Circular Economy and IPLA Global Forum 2024
Open waste burning (OWB) is a prevalent waste management practice in many parts of Asia, contributing significantly to air pollution and undermining efforts towards climate mitigation. This paper examines the nexus of waste management, pollution control, and health while providing policy recommendations to address policy gaps and implementation...