IGES Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Database provides detailed information on the JCM methodologies, projects, and JCM feasibility studies to be utilized for research and development of JCM project. The JCM is being implemented under bilateral cooperation between Japan and 29 partner countries: Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Viet...
- クリア
- 地域 / 国: (-) Melanesia
26件中 1~10件 (日付順)
This study examines land use changes and evaluates the past and projected forest carbon sequestration and its valuation in Viti Levu Island, Fiji, through a combination of remote sensing with a geospatial-based modeling approach. Land use classification was performed using Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 imageries of the years 2000 and 2020; then, cellular...
平成29 年5 月に「合法伐採木材等の流通及び利用の促進に関する法律」(通称「クリーンウッド法」)が施行された。また、平成29 年11 月から、同法に基づく木材関連事業者の登録が開始された。 このような背景の中、木材関連事業者による木材等の合法性確認等の取組を一層推進するため、本事業が実施された。本事業の目的は、木材関連事業者が効率的に木材等の合法性確認等の取組を実施できるよう、生産国における木材の流通や関連法令に関する情報を収集することである。 調査対象国は、パプアニューギニア、ソロモン諸島、ロシア、ベトナム、中国の計5カ国であり、それぞれの国において木材流通状況、関連法令・許認可制度、その他参考情報等が収集された。
Although it is widely acknowledged that forests provide critical ecosystem services for human survival and well-being, in the Asia-Pacific region forests are being converted to other land uses and degraded at alarming rates. One underlying factor for this destruction of forests is market failure. Forests are cleared for other land uses or degraded...
VIDEO - 7 minutes This is the story of Ogab El, one of the most passionate tree growers in Papua New Guinea (PNG). A man whose father together with other local leaders gave the rights over their forests to a logging company, which resulted in the obliteration of thousands of hectares of biodiversity rich forests in the Gogol Valley in Madang...
Recognising the importance of markets to sustainable forest management, this document provides guidance to timber buyers on the steps that they can take to responsibly purchase Papua New Guinean export timber. Log exports have been a major foreign exchange earner for PNG, but weak enforcement of forest laws means that the forest estate is mostly...
The basic survey on development of “Asia Pacific 3R White Paper” project conducted the basic survey and institutionalization of experts/researchers group for development for the Asia Pacific 3R white paper (tentative title). In addition, the zero draft of writing guideline for Asia Pacific 3R white paper was developed initially for the development...
Presented at APEC MINISTERS RESPONSIBLE FOR FORESTRY 26th-29th October 2015, Port Moresby
This report aims to contribute to the management of PNG’s forests as a renewable natural asset for the collective benefit of all Papua New Guineans. It argues that to achieve these ends, illegalities in the forest sector need serious attention. The report aims to (i) provide a review of the illegal logging issue in PNG, (ii) identify the potential...