脇山 尚子

Former Staff (from Feb 2010 - Jan 2017 )
124件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
The United States began liberalizing its wholesale and retail electricity market to lower costs, increase efficiency, and curb oil imports in the 1990s. Reductions in carbon dioxide (CO 2) were a possible desirable side effect of these reforms. In recent years, concerns over climate change have prompted state governments in the United States to...
Energy Policy所収
This study assesses the regional energy mix potentials of Japan for maximised renewable electricity generation and reduced CO2 emission intensity in the electricity sector, in view of the nationally determined contribution (NDC) mitigation target, and the 2 °C rise limit target. Beginning with the deregulation of the retail electricity market...
Routledge Handbook of Energy in Asia所収
The Routledge Handbook of Energy in Asia presents a comprehensive review of the unprecedented growth of Asian energy over the past quarter of a century. It provides insightful analysis into variation across the continent, whilst highlighting areas of cross-learning and regional cooperation between the developed and developing countries of Asia...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews所収
This study conducted a comparative assessment and a meta-analysis of 48 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction scenarios based on bottom-up energy system analyses for 2030 reported in seven studies published between 2011 and 2015 to obtain insights into the ambition level of Japan's official mitigation target for 2030. First, the scenarios were...
Energy Policy所収
This paper assesses to what extent CO2 emissions from electricity in the residential sector can be further reduced in Japan beyond its post-2020 mitigation target (known as “Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC)”). The paper examines the reduction potential of electricity demand and CO2 emissions in the residential sector by conducting...
本ブリーフィングノートでは、今後のトランプ政権の気候政策や人事に関して、これまでの示唆や推論を概観するとともに、関連する米国内の政治的文脈と制度的な意思決定プロセスの見地から検討を行う。「慎重な楽観主義」の立場をとりうるいくつかの領域を特定し、潜在的な最悪のシナリオに対する阻害要因を明らかにする。選挙期間中の発言や政権移行チームの顔ぶれには落胆させられる一方で、トランプ政権の政策について、トランプ氏自身ですらまだはっきりと分かっていないと思われる中、その明確な方向性を示すことは時期尚早といえる。本ブリーフィングノートは、最悪のケースとして米国の気候政策と行動が交代する方向に舵を切られても、実際に実行するには、様々な制約があることを結論付けている。 Remarks: 2016年12月22日改訂
Several Asian cities have already invested in initiatives to build and promote Green Cities. Owing to the limited capacity of local governments, the funding of urban infrastructure has become a critical issue. Against this background, this book explores a new funding mechanism which demands the engagement of many stakeholders, including public...
