Introduction of Long-Term Strategy (LTS) planning using AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Model) simulation model (Presentation at Plenary Session 1)

Event: The Philippines-Japan Environmental Week Program
Date: March 3, 2022 (Tokyo and online)
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Opening & Plenary Session 1

The Philippines-Japan Environmental Week
Opening & Plenary Session 1
・This session explores how central and local governments can further engage with the private sector to address these challenges with a view to establishing decarbonized society and strengthening its resilience to the negative impacts of climate change.

Presentation: How AIM model contributes to LTS in ASEAN

- AIM supports national-level LTS development in Thailand, Vietnam

- IGES organized COP26 side event to introduce how AIM work together with ASEAN countries and stakeholders (mainly researchers) in collaboration with NIES and MOEJ on Nov 2021 in Glasgow, UK

- AIM also supports local-level LTS development in Iskandar Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, and others.

Youtube presentation: (from 53:10, around 14 min talk)

