- English
Chapter: 11

• The SDGs encourage countries to develop synergies between the environment and the social
and economic dimensions of sustainable development. This could help gain more support for
environmental measures by the public as well as a broader range of policymakers.
• AMS have extensively engaged with the SDG process, developing data and indicators and
preparing VNRs to report on their progress to the HLPF.
• Businesses, NGOs, youth and other stakeholders have engaged in SDG implementation in
• AMS are making steady progress on all SDGs, but even this progress is unlikely to be enough
to achieve the SDGs by 2030.
• AMS have adopted a range of policies to address environment-related SDGs according to their
VNRs. The VNRs also seem to under report relevant environmental policies.
• Nevertheless, assessments of progress on environment-related SDGs across the region have
shown that progress has been insufficient, although the challenges are well known, and action
to address them has been insufficient.
• Responses to environment-related SDG targets should be accelerated.
• SDGs could be an effective way to help guide the activities of the ASEAN Working Groups,
since the SDG topics are similar to the WG focus areas.
• Capacity to gather SDG-related environmental data should be strengthened.
- English
Chapter: 11