This report is for FY2018 contract work with the Ministry of Environment, Japan as the Secretariat of the Asian Co-benefits Partnership (ACP) for the international partnership for promotion of co-benefits approach.
This report is for FY2018 contract work with the Ministry of Environment, Japan as the Secretariat of the Asian Co-benefits Partnership (ACP) for the international partnership for promotion of co-benefits approach.
令和3年度環境省請負業務 コベネフィット・アプローチ推進に係る国際パートナーシップ等事務局業務
令和4年度環境省請負業務 コベネフィット・アプローチ推進に係る国際パートナーシップ等事務局業務
Integrating Co-benefits into Nationally Determined Contributions, Climate Policies and Air Pollution Policies in Asia
Accelerating International Collaboration towards a Net-zero and Resilient ASEAN through the ASEAN Climate Change Strategic Action Plan 2025-2030