Regional Workshop: Measuring and Mitigating Short-Lived Climate Pollutants from the Municipal Solid Waste Sector

Date: 2-4 April 2018, Bacolod City, Philippines
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This report documents the proceedings of the workshop, which was designed to raise awareness, facilitate dialogue and promote knowledge sharing on effective SLCP mitigation actions in the MSW sector, with a view towards fostering a network of engaged actors from across the Asia-Pacific region. Workshop discussion focused on understanding drivers of SLCP emissions generated by MSW, impacts and effects of SLCPs, ways to calculate SLCP emissions potentials, and available strategies for mitigating SLCPs in the municipal waste sector in view of policy, technology and finance issues. A site visit was also conducted to observe good practices associated with MSW management and encourage the documentation of options for future SLCP mitigation in future city action plans.
