Approximately one billion tonnes of municipal organic waste are generated globally every year, although only a small fraction of this is currently recycled, with the remaining factions being either burnt or dumped in landfill sites. Composting is one of a number of different ways in which organic wastes can be converted into valuable products such...
176件中 1~10件 (日付順)
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies organized "the SDGs Global Human Resource Program that Connects Learning and Society through Environmental Issues" in FY2024 under UNESCO Activity Grant by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Total of seventeen university and graduyate school students...
14th International Conference on Sustainable Waste Management - Circular Economy and IPLA Global Forum 2024
Open waste burning (OWB) is a prevalent waste management practice in many parts of Asia, contributing significantly to air pollution and undermining efforts towards climate mitigation. This paper examines the nexus of waste management, pollution control, and health while providing policy recommendations to address policy gaps and implementation...
Journal of Climate Change所収
This study examines the spatial and temporal variations of key air pollutants in Rajsamand District, Rajasthan, from January 2015 to December 2019, using Sentinel-5P TROPOMI data. The pollutants analysed include carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), formaldehyde (HCHO), sulphur dioxide (SO2), methane (CH4), and aerosols. The findings reveal...
This pamphlet introduces the latest activities of Kitakyushu Urban Centre.
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Diffusion and Synergies with Resilience and Adaptation: Workshop Proceedings
Workshop on Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Diffusion and Synergies with Resilience and Adaptation
In a transition to a net-zero world, large-scale solar PV diffusion is essential in the Philippines and the entire ASEAN region, since its potential is much larger than wind and other renewable energies. Considering the vulnerability of the Philippines and accelerating climate change, it is also vital to make sure that net-zero transition based on...
Journal of Climate Change所収
The increasing global emphasis on sustainable architecture necessitates precise building energy modeling, especially in regions marked by extreme climates. The focus of this study is to evaluate the potential and practicality of passive housing strategies in climates similar to Dubai. In this study, we employed the Passive House Planning Package...
This article introduced about the new opportunities that have opened up for scaling up the mutually beneficial technology cooperation in environmental technologies (ETs) between Japan and India under the initiative ‘Japan India Technology Matchmaking Platform (JITMAP)' that is being implemented by IGES and The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)...
2020年10月、わが国が「2050年カーボンニュートラル、脱炭素社会の実現」を宣言したことを受け、2023年末の時点で、東京都・京都市・横浜市を始めとする1,013自治体(46都道府県、570市、22特別区、327町、48村)が「2050年までに二酸化炭素排出実質ゼロ」を表明した。係る自治体の総人口は約1億2,577万人にのぼる 。 葉山町(以下、本町)では、令和3年3月、2050年に温室効果ガス排出量を実質ゼロにすることを表明する「はやま気候非常事態宣言」を発表し、「町民や事業者へ再生可能エネルギーの利用や省エネルギーの推進について周知・啓発」の実施、「海や里山などを守り、本町の豊かな自然環境を未来へ継承」など5つのアクションを掲げた 。 2021年に改正した...
「かながわ気候市民会議in逗子・葉山」の結果は、最終会議(12月2日)以降、最終調整を経て、102の提案項目からなる「市民提案最終案」を完成させました。 12月7日、市民提案最終案を参加市民に送付し、盛り込まれた102の提案項目一つ一つに対し、7段階の支持度合いによる投票を依頼しました。 1週間後の12月14日、35名からの投票をもって投票を締め切り、投票結果を取り入れた94の提案項目からなる「かながわ気候市民会議in逗子・葉山からの提案」を完成させました。同提案は、12月15日に葉山町長、12月18日に逗子市長に手渡し、さらに12月19日に神奈川県政クラブにて届け、公表しました。