Summary Report for Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP) in 2024: Reporting of mitigation actions in the agriculture sector under Art.13

Event: MLP Main Meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan
Date: July 30, 2024 in Baku Azerbaijan
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The Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP), implemented and funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), aims to assist countries to prepare their Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) under the enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement through mutual learning of practices. This summary report presents the key take-away messages of the MLP Main Meeting, graciously hosted by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan Branch of the Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (RECC). The meeting provided the opportunity for the country experts of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Japan, Moldova and Uzbekistan, to discuss each country’s reporting exercise of common tabular format (CTF)-5 in the agriculture sector as part of their BTR preparation. 

The MLP is managed by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) and Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting (MURC) in close collaboration with the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency - Global Support Programme (CBIT-GSP).
