The Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP) is for pairs of countries and organisations to learn and practice reporting exercises, namely developing common tabular formats (CTFs) 1, 2 and 5. The output of the MLP can be used as the basis for actual reporting of Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs). The MLP is for those who directly...
11件中 1~10件 (日付順)
IGES COP29直前ウェビナーシリーズ
パリ協定には、年月とともに段階的に向上する各国の危機感と野心、技術の発展を加味し、新しい約束(プレッジ)が従来のプレッジを超えていく仕組み、「ラチェット・メカニズム」が組み込まれています。ラチェット・メカニズムの構成要素は3つあります。5年ごとに策定・提出する国が決定する貢献(NDC)(第4条)、各国の行動や支援の透明性を高めていくことにより、お互いの進捗状況をチェックしあうことを可能とする「強化された透明性枠組み」(Enhanced Transparency Framework: ETF)(第13条)、そしてETFやIPCC等からの情報をベースにパリ協定の目的および長期目標の達成に向けた全体の進捗状況を5年ごとに確認する「グローバル・ストックテイク」(Global Stocktake...
MLP Main Meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan
The Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP), implemented and funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ), aims to assist countries to prepare their Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) under the enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement through mutual learning of practices. This summary report presents the...
Poster Presentation at the Workshop on GHG Inventories in Asia (WGIA) in 2024
The Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP) is for pairs or groups of countries and organizations to learn and practice reporting of climate actions, based on each other’s reporting exercises. It also aims to facilitate understanding of how to use this information to track the implementation of NDCs. The output of the MLP can be...
This template is for the Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP) exercises. It is for practicing reporting assumptions and methodologies for estimating GHG emission reductions of mitigation actions, policies and measures for implementing and achieving a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The MLP exercsies aim to enhnace the...
This template is for the Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP) exercises. It is for practicing reporting of the information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). The MLP exercsies aim to enhnace the understanding of reporting for the preperation of the Biennial...
This template is for the Mutual Learning Program for Enhanced Transparency (MLP) exercises. It is for practicing reporting mitigation actions, policies and measures for implementing and achieving a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The MLP exercsies aim to enhnace the understanding of reporting for the preperation of the Biennial...
This paper aims to highlight the benefits that robust and self-sustained transparency systems can bring to governments, beyond fulfilling current and future reporting requirements under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the Convention) and the Paris Agreement. It also aims to reach climate change policymakers and...
Sustainability 所収
Transitioning to the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement (PA) from the current measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) arrangements under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) requires developing countries to enhance their national reporting systems in a sustainable way. There are...
This report summarizes the key discussion points of the two-day Asian Transparency Workshop on December 13-14, 2021. The workshop aims to strengthen understanding of how to prepare reporting in Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs) under Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF). More specifically, the workshop focused on reporting mitigation actions...