


2020年12月14-15日、公益財団法人地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)は、環境省委託事業の一環として、UNFCCC-IGES地域協力センター及びGlobal Support Programmeとの協力の下、オンラインで「アジア透明性ワークショップ」を開催しました。10カ国から各国の報告書の作成または国際市場メカニズムの実施や報告を担当する政府関係者、及びUNFCCC事務局等の関連する国際機関の専門家など、約60名が参加しました。



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Global Support Programme

IGES 気候変動とエネルギー領域
〒240-0115 神奈川県三浦郡葉山町上山口2108-11
Tel: 046-826-9592
Fax: 046-855-3809
E-mail: [email protected]


Day 1 (Time in JST)
MC: Chisa Umemiya, IGES
15:00-15:05 Opening remarks Noriko Hase, Deputy Director, Office of Market Mechanisms, Global Environmental Bureau, MOEJ  
15:05-15:10 Opening remarks Miriam Hinostroza, UNEP Liaison Officer, UNEP  
15:10-15:15   Introduction to the workshop
Chisa Umemiya, IGES
PDF (328KB)
Session 1: Roadmap for BTR1 – understanding basic information around BTR1
Key questions: What are the elements and timelines needed to be considered for countries to prepare BTR1? What should be done in the short and long terms?
15:15-15:30   Paris Agreement and the MPGs for ETF
Jihye Choi, UNFCCC
PDF (735KB)
15:30-15:45   Domestic preparation toward 1st BTR submission
Takashi Morimoto, MURC
PDF (264KB)
15:45-16:00   Accessing to international funding and support
Fatima-Zahra, UNEP-DTU
PDF (282KB)
16:00-16:30   Q&As
16:30-16:50 Break
Session 2: Country experiences – sharing experience and knowledge on possible solutions to existing challenges toward submissions of BTR1
16:50-17:00   Introduction to the Session 2
Temuulen Murun, IGES
PDF (238KB)

Breakout group discussions (3 groups):
Related to a general framework for tracking progress of individual mitigation actions (MAs) in BTRs, possible solutions for existing common challenges have been identified through the pre-survey. The question addressed in each group is: Which possible solution would you prefer, and why?

Group 1: Roles and responsibilities
Facilitators: Buddika Hemashantha/ Chisa Umemiya

Group 2: Experts and human resources
Facilitators: Undarmaa Khurelbaatar/ Tomohiko Hattori

Group 3: Data collection
Facilitators: Irawan Asaad/ Temuulen Murun

18:00-18:15 Break

Discussions and summary: “Roadmap for BTR1”

  • Reporting back from each group (Each group facilitator)
  • Further feedback and discussions (All)
Facilitated by Takashi Morimoto


Day 2 (Time in JST)
MC: Temuulen Murun, IGES
15:00-15:10   Summary from Day 1
Jens Radschinski, UNFCCC-RCC
Session 3: From guidance to actual reporting – understanding current draft text on reporting under guidance on Article 6.2
Key questions: How does actual reporting look like, using the JCM as an example, and what are the elements and timelines needed to be considered for countries to prepare reporting under Article 6.2?
15:10-15:20   Updates on international negotiations on Article 6
Kentaro Takahashi, IGES
PDF (965KB)
15:20-15:35   Reporting under Article 6.2 in current draft text
Tomohiko Hattori, IGES
PDF (1.3MB)
15:35-15:50   Results of writing exercise with the JCM
Supanut Chotevitayatarakorn, Thailand
PDF (949KB)

Q&As and discussions

  • Feedback from countries (Muslim Anshari Rahman, Singapore)
  • Further feedback (All)
Simon Fellermeyer, Switzerland


16:20-16:40 Break
Session 4: Country experiences – sharing views and experience on possible options for reporting under Article 6.2
16:40-16:45   Introduction
Tomohiko Hattori, IGES

Breakout group discussions (3 groups):
Group 1: Reporting timeframe: When do you think your country could submit an Initial Report?
Facilitators/Reporters: Chisa Umemiya/ Takashi Morimoto

Group 2: Methodological issues: Whether should “vintage year” or “first transfer year” be used for corresponding adjustments?
Facilitators/Reporters: Tomohiko Hattori/ Temuulen Murun

Group 3: Authorization: How do you think your country could make arrangements for authorization?
Facilitators/Reporters: Chotevitayatarakorn/ Paweena Panichayapichet

17:50-18:05 Break

Discussions and summary: Roadmap for Reporting under Article 6.2

  • Reporting back from each group (Each group reporter)
  • Further feedback and discussions (All)
Facilitated by Kentaro Takahashi


18:50-19:10   Discussions on next steps – How could regional collaboration and network contribute for countries to submit BTR1?
  • Inputs and feedback from all (All)
Facilitated by Fatima-Zahra, UNEP-DTU
19:10-19:15 Closing remarks Yasuo Takahashi, Executive Director of IGES