Workshop for Capacity Building on Climate Change Impact Assessments and Adaptation Planning in the Asia-Pacific Region: Technical Review of Background Assessment for Climate Change Adaptation
Workshop for Capacity Building on Climate Change Impact Assessments and Adaptation Planning in the Asia-Pacific Region: Technical Review of Background Assessment for Climate Change Adaptation
This workshop aimed to identify key requirements of the CCA background assessments at the subnational and/or national levels on the key sectoral and/or cross-sectoral bases (e.g., agriculture, water resources, health, etc.).
This workshop aimed to identify key requirements of the CCA background assessments at the subnational and/or national levels on the key sectoral and/or cross-sectoral bases (e.g., agriculture, water resources, health, etc.).
Nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation: A systematic review of systematic reviews
Disaster Risk Reduction in the ASEAN region: Understanding and assessing systematic risks of floods and landslides in a river basin context
Water Resources Management
Toward Developing the Guidance on National Long-term Roadmap to Synergise Mitigation and Adaptation in ASEAN Countries: Workshop Proceedings
Forests, Timber Sources and Supply Chains of Myanmar: Opportunities and Constraints to Ensure Legal Origin of Timber