Since the population, vehicles, energy consumptions, economic activities are rising in the metropolitan area of Seoul, it is difficult for existing environmental policies and measures to mitigate air pollutions. To respond such challenges, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) of Republic of Korea (ROK) enacted the Special Act on Metropolitan Air...
6件中 1~6件 (日付順)
The engagement of the United States is critical to the success of any international effort against global climate change. Although international climate efforts require long-lasting, credible commitments by participating countries, risk of failure to deliver on such commitments rises with the degree of gap that the domestic institutions permit...
This paper examines the process to lead the adoption of the EU directive on establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community, in order to identify the reasons for Germany to agree on the adoption, despite of the expected friction caused by the shift from its existing national measures, especially voluntary...
Although the Kyoto Protocol enters into force, the Republic of Korea (ROK) doesn't have any quantitative green house gas (GHG) reduction target as its commitment because of its status as a Non-Annex I party. However, the negotiation to formulate the new commitment for next round will start in COP-11 at the end of 2005. Apparently, the main agenda...
Impacts of climate change are likely to be severe in the Asia-Pacific region but adaptive capacity is weak in most countries and communities. As much of the adaptation is site-specific and has to be developed at the individual and community level, it is crucial to harness local knowledge in designing adaptation strategies. Focus group interviews...
In mitigating climate change, the Kyoto Protocol requires Annex I countries to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In achieving their targets, the Kyoto Protocol allows the countries to use the Kyoto Mechanisms (KM), including emissions trading (ET), which is recognized as one of the most cost-effective ways. Prior to the official start of...