The Application of AIM/Korea Model to Transport Sector in Seoul, Korea

The Application of AIM/Korea Model to Transport Sector in Seoul, Korea

Since the population, vehicles, energy consumptions, economic activities are rising in the metropolitan area of Seoul, it is difficult for existing environmental policies and measures to mitigate air pollutions. To respond such challenges, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) of Republic of Korea (ROK) enacted the Special Act on Metropolitan Air Quality Improvement in December 2003. The Special Act will be effective from January 2005. Since we notice that the transport sector is rapidly growing in the metropolitan area of Seoul, we discuss the possible impact of this Special Act on emissions of sulfur-dioxide (SO2), nitrogen-oxide (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), particulate matter (PM), and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the transport sector in Seoul. For the policy analysis, AIM (Asia-Pacific Integrated Model for Evaluating Policy Options to Reduce GHG Emission and Global Warming Impacts) Local model is used.

In this study, we analyze and assess the air pollution policies in the metropolitan area of Seoul with AIM/local model. In particular, the new legislation of the Special Act on Metropolitan Air Quality Improvement is expected to affect the whole emission profiles of air pollutants in this area with the introduction of diesel passenger cars. This paper analyzes the various policy scenarios along with projections of key determinants in the transport sector in this area. With such high emission standards and other policies and measures envisioned by the Special Act, the introduction of new vehicles equipped with advanced technologies and energy efficiency improvement will be accelerated, that will contribute to the reduction of air pollutants and CO2 emissions.


The views expressed in this working paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of IGES. Working papers describe research in progress by the authors and are published to elicit comments and to further debate.
IGES-CP Working Paper 2004

Lee, Dong Kun
Kim, Eun Young