Lessons, Conclusions, and Recommendations from the RISPO Good Practice Case Studies

IRES Vol.7 No.1所収
Volume (Issue): Vol.7, No.1,Chapter8

Environmental policymakers in developing countries, including those of the Asia-Pacific region, often face a tough dilemma. They realize that formulating good policy requires careful consideration of various options to arrive at policies that are well suited to the particular circumstances of their country or area, but can still achieve the desired end. At the same time, they are subject to significant pressure, both domestic and international, to define and implement policies quickly. The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) has been gathering and analyzing case studies of good environmental policy practices, with a strong focus on the Asia-Pacific region, in order to help policymakers make better policy decisions based on the experiences of others facing similar challenges. This paper completes the series of eight linked papers presented in this special issue of the International Review for Environmental Strategies. Based on the analyses in the preceding papers and on a textual pattern-matching exercise carried out on the whole database of good practice case studies gathered under the Research on Innovative and Strategic Policy Options (RISPO) project, this paper makes recommendations and draws lessons and conclusions for environmental policymakers.


International Review for Environmental Strategies: Best Practice on Environmental Policy in Asia and the Pacific
