An Integrated and Inclusive SLCP Strategy for Asia: Recommended Policy and Institutional Reforms

Reducing Emissions of Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Perspectives on Law and Governance所収
Chapter: 10

This chapter aims to bring policy and institutional considerations to the center of work on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs). Its primary purpose is to suggest policy and institutional reforms needed for an integrated and inclusive slcp strategy in Asia. The chapter begins by setting the context with a review of the interrelated yet varying impacts of SLCPs. It then underlines how work on 1) the science-policy-society interface; 2) multi-sectoral, multi-level governance; and 3) just transitions can shed light on policy and institutional reforms underpinning an integrated and inclusive SLCP strategy. These reforms focus more attention on strengthening policy coherence, interagency coordination and vertical integration as well as opening compensatory programmes (for stakeholders adversely affected by SLCPs, in addition to control measures) and deliberative decision making fora. Embedding key SLCP measures such as inspection/maintenance programmes, clean cookstoves and open burning of biomass residue in these broader institutional and policy reforms is critical for moving work on SLCPs forward in Asia and other regions.
