Consultation Workshop on Dissemination of Japanese Low-carbon Technologies in Thailand / タイにおける日本の低炭素技術の普及のための協議ワークショップ

Event: Consultation Workshop on Dissemination of Japanese Low Carbon Technologies in Thailand
Date: November 9, 2016

The “Consolation Workshop on Dissemination of Japanese low carbon technologies in Thailand” was organized on November 9, 2016 at The Sukosol Hotel in Bangkok. It was a part of the activities conducted in Thailand in FY2016 under the “Technology Assessment” project, which is a project funded by the Ministry of Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and commissioned to the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES).
Representatices from government agencies, the private sector, professional associations, NGOs, financial institutions, technology suppliers, and academia participated the workshop to share their experience in energy conservation and to discuss the current opportunities and barriers for Low Carbon technologies (LCTs) adoption in Thailand.
The ultimate objective of the workshop was to facilitate the interaction between Japanese technology providers and Thai stakeholders to share the information on Japanese LCTs and discuss about how to disseminate them in Thailand.
The workshop was consisted of "the session on “Policy and Market Mechanisms for Energy Conservation in Thailand” and "Technical Session" and brought many key messages as well as summaries regarding existing challenges and existing opportunities.
