Awareness Workshop on Dissemination of Japanese low carbon technologies in India / インドにおける日本の低炭素技術の普及のための認識向上ワークショップ

Event: Awareness Workshop on Dissemination of Japanese low carbon technologies in India
Date: August 26, 2016 at Tamil Nasu, India

The “Awareness Workshop on Dissemination of Japanese low carbon technologies in India” was organized on 26 August 2016 at Chennai Tamil Nadu in India. It was a part of the activities conducted in India in FY2016 under the “Technology Assessment” project, which is a project funded by the Ministry of Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and commissioned to the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). Representatives from industry, government, consultancy agencies and funding organisations participated in the event.
The objective of the workshop was to facilitate the interaction between Japanese technology providers and Indian stakeholders, especially end-users, to share the information on Japanese LCTs and discuss about how to disseminate them in India. Moreover, to exchange ideas and opinions about how to promote JITMAP in general and on what information/knowledge should be shared online in particular.
The workshop included the background presentation to explain IGES's continued activities on the application of Japanese LCTs in Indian industries, explanation about an innovative approach to addresses the key barriers to the application of Japanese LCTs in India, a Japan-India Technology Matchmaking Platform (JITMAP), which was initiated in July 2017. and a panel discussion about how to further improve
it, and followed by detailed technical presentations on Japanese low carbon technologies (LCTs), namely Compressed air system and factory energy management system (FEMS) by Japanese technology expers.
It was a beneficial session to Indian participants to know about those two Japanese LCTs and beneficial to Japanese experts to know about Indian technology needs, concerns and expectations.
