COP26 Side Event

International Forum on City-Wide Climate Crisis Response and Technology Sharing

5 November 2021 18:00 -19:00 (JST) /9:00-10:00 (Local time)

Climate change has risen to the top of the international policy agenda and the phenomenon of global climate change has heightened the importance of science and technological innovation to achieve sustainable development goals. It will be critical to build the capacity to produce, select, adapt, and disseminate knowledge for sustainable development and further the Net Zero. 

The forum culminates in an opportunity to share technologies, policies, and plans in the climate environment sector at local government-level. The outcomes of this forum will be shared and distributed not only with COP participants but also to the international cooperation network (Urban Environmental Accords(UEA), a collective of 156 cities in 51 countries wishing to contribute to global Net Zero).


5 November 2021 18:00 -19:00 (JST) /9:00-10:00 (Local time)

Korea Pavilion



Chair: Dr. Won-Tae Yun, Secretary General of the UEA (Also President of the International Climate and Environment Center)
Moderator: Dr. Dongwoo Yang, Senior Researcher, Int’l Climate and Environment Center
Welcoming Remark: Jung Wook Kim, Environment Collaboration Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Korea

Time Contents Presenter
16:00~16:05 Opening, Introduction of Attendees Chair
16:05~16:09 Welcoming Remark Kazuya INOUE, Director, Office of Market Mechanisms, Climate Change Policy Division, Global Environmental Bureau, MOEJ
16:09~16:24 [Thematic Presentation]
The Transition to a Climate Neutral City
Won-Tae Yun, President, Int’l Climate and Environment Center
16:24~16:36 [Presentation]

Fujino Junich IGES, Japan


Best Practice for Net-Zero in Nepal

Suman Adhikari, Director, Kathmandu, Nepal

16:48~17:00 [Presentation]
Vision, Plans and Implementation for Net-Zero
Kwang Sun Jung, Manager, Climate and Ecology Department, Jeollanamdo Province
17:00~17:12 [Presentation(online)]
Implementation of Green City Livable City Bamenda
Fongu Cletus Tanwe, Mayor, Bamenda, Cameroon
17:12~17:24 [Presentation]
Yeosu’s Policy on Net Zero 2050
Jeong Sin Suh Director General, Yeosu City
17:24~17:36 [Presentation(online)]
NDC and SDGs in 2030 in Sri Lanka : Low Carbon
Wimal Wimaladasa, Matale, Sri Lanka
17:36~17:48 [Presentation]
City-wide Technologies for Climate Crisis Response : Urban Assessment Model System(UAMS), Urban Carbon Management System(UCMS)
Dongwoo Yang, Senior Researcher, Int’l Climate and Environment Center
17:48~17:58 Q&A Speakers, Presenters
17:58~18:00 Summary, Closing