釣田 いずみ

Former Staff (from Aug 2009 - Apr 2012 )
16件中 1~10件目を表示中 (日付順)
Enhanced governance approaches for mitigation and adaptation to climate change – An Asia Focus所収
In the on-going debate on climate change adaptation, much has been focused on the developing countries and little emphasis has been made on the need for adaptation in the developed countries. To fill this gap, this study aims to seek how far a developed country is responding to climate change by considering Japanese agriculture initiatives. The...
Measuring the effectiveness of adaptation to climate change has assumed significance for the reasons that huge amount of resources are being made available for climate change adaptation and it is important for various stakeholders to identify and prioritize adaptation actions before they are implemented on the ground so as to achieve adaptation...
東日本大震災を受けてIGESが実施したIGES震災研究イニシアティブの成果をとりまとめた報告書「Lessons Learnt from the Triple Disaster in East Japan」の日本語概要版。「福島原発事故以降のエネルギー供給オプション」「東日本大震災における多様なステークホルダーの協力に関する考察」「東日本大震災の経験から考える効率的な節電対策」に焦点を当て、自然災害が頻発するアジアへの示唆となるような低炭素かつ気候変動の影響に対応可能で、災害に強い持続可能な社会の構築に向けた提言を行っている。 Remarks: English full report: http://pub.iges.or.jp/modules/envirolib/view.php?docid...
This policy paper comprises a report on the outcomes of the Earthquake Research Initiative conducted by IGES following the Great East Japan Earthquake. It focuses on three themes: Post-Fukushima Energy Supply Options in Japan; Observation of Multi-stakeholder Collaboration in Northeast Japan Earthquake; and Effective Energy Saving Measures...
8th International Conference of NAPSIPAG 2011
It has been widely regarded that policies and institutions that are adaptive in nature are better able to deal with the dynamic issues such as environmental degradation and climate change adaptation. However, verifying the veracity of this hypothesis is difficult often due to absence of long experience in climate change adaptation in most countries...
8th International Conference of NAPSIPAG 2011
The ongoing negotiations for the future climate regime have clearly indicated the need for both the developed and developing countries to work together in enhancing the adaptation to climate change. While much of the climate change adaptation debate has long been focused on the developing countries, little emphasis has been made on the need for...
