7件中 1~7件目を表示中 (日付順)
In China, the verification of the legality of procured wood has mainly been voluntary, with businesses exporting wood products to Europe and the U.S. conducting their own checks. However, since the revision of the Forest Law in 2019, the procurement, processing, and transportation of clearly illegally harvested wood is now prohibited, and violators...
The 2019 revision of China's Forest Law explicitly prohibited the handling of timber known to originate from illegal logging. This report analyses the state of implementation of this law based on interviews with some experts in China including government officers, an industry association and NGOs, as well as seminars, various websites, and...
林野庁委託事業成果報告会 クリーンウッド法における木材等の合法性確認手引き: リスクベースで考える木材のデュー・デリジェンス