Results 1 - 10 of 45 (Sorted by date)
Peer-reviewed Article
In Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific
In fast-growing coastal cities, dependable public transport, diversity of modes, and social inclusion are among several factors that contribute to resilient transport. However, these factors depend critically on whether key ridership segments are aware of the benefits of public transport. This article describes the effects of an awareness raising...
Peer-reviewed Article
In Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
“Just Transition” is an important, brand new concept to implement policies towards decarbonisation of the power sector in Japan. However, a knowledge gap still remains between this concept and policy discussion at a practical level. Therefore, using the existing scenarios of decarbonisation of the power sector and employment factors for the power...
Policy Brief
Effective solid waste management is critical for achieving sustainable development in municipalities. In the last half century, urban cities around the world have grown significantly, and experts forecast that this trend will continue into the future. Increased populations coupled with rapid urban buildup put enormous stress on municipalities...
Discussion Paper
Learning from cultural traditions and philosophies could help place countries in Asia on more sustainable development paths. This paper argues why and outlines how countries in Asia should collaborate in pooling and promoting good practices grounded in indigenous knowledge and philosophies to mainstream sustainability at the local, national...
Policy Report
プラスチックの生産と消費パターンの拡大、とりわけ使い捨てプラスチックや不適切なプラスチック廃棄物の処理に伴い、海洋生態系でのプラスチック廃棄物の蓄積が急増している。海洋のプラスチック汚染の主たる原因(海洋ゴミの約80%)は陸上から海へ流出するプラスチックである事が知られており、海洋のプラスチック汚染は世界的な関心を集める課題となって多くの政府や自治体が対応策を模索している。 より環境にやさしく持続可能なプラスチックの生産と消費を行う社会を実現するには、様々な利害関係者の参加と監視・評価に基づく長期的な取り組みが必要である。その第一ステップとして本レポートは、利害関係者の参加を促進し、国の廃棄物処理方針に沿った廃プラスチックを抑制する包括的な計画の開発を提言する。そのため、IGES-CCET...
Peer-reviewed Article
Urban and rural areas within a regional space are closely linked through a variety of linkages including the flow of people. The increasing pace of development transformations with discrete planning of urban and rural areas has raised serious concerns for achieving coordinated development at the regional level. In that regard, the concept of...
Discussion Paper
Our lifestyles, through the impacts of our day-to-day activities such as eating, moving and commuting, heating and cooling our homes, caring, working, and so on, have become major threats to the sustainability of the environment. While continued economic growth and urbanisation in many countries are expected, it is imperative to consider how we...
Policy Report
Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ) and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) launched of a report “SDGs and Business in the ESG era: Actions by Companies and Organisations in Japan”.* This latest report includes the results of the questionnaire survey as well as how both financial institutions and companies address ESG finance...
Policy Report
This report assesses to what extent the national governments of ASEAN countries have made concrete domestic efforts to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in terms of policies and budgets as listed in their Voluntary National Reviews (VNRs). Methods used by this report are similar to those used by a comparable study of the G20...
Policy Report
United Nations Environment Programme [UNEP]
[DAISY] GEO for Youth Asia and the Pacific (text only DAISY3, zip file) IGES is proud to provide GEO for Youth Asia and the Pacific in DAISY format. DAISY enables accessibility of information to all, including people with print disabilities. This DAISY file was created by persons with disabilities and the support of the Assistive Technology...