1955-58 Toyama High School, Tokyo
1958–62 Bachelor of Engineering from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tokyo
1962–67 Doctor of Engineering in Control Theory, Systems Analysis from the Graduate School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Tokyo
1967 Doctor of Engineering (Control Theory, Systems Analysis)
1967-78 Asahi Kasei Corporation, Planning Division for Petro-Chemicals, Refinery and Nuclear Fuel
1979 Senior Research Scientist, Systems Analysis and Planning Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Environment Agency of Japan
1984 Visiting Professor, Beijing Normal University
1987-88 Visiting Researcher, (Fulbright Scholarship), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and University of California (Irvine)
1990 Visiting Researcher, University of Maryland
1996 Director, Center for Global Environment Research (NIES)
1996 Director, Global Environment Research Division (NIES),
Concurrently: Professor, Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo-Tech)
1998-2001 Concurrently: Project Leader for Climate Change, Institute for Global Environment Strategies (IGES)
1999-2001 Professor, Keio University (Graduate School of Media & Governance)
1999-2001 Senior Research Advisor, NIES
2001-07 Vice President (Executive Director, Research), NIES
2007-17 Senior Research Advisor, IGES,
Senior Advisor, NIES
2007-17 Secretary-General, International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies (LCS-RNet)
2007-09 Counsellor, NIES
2011-12 Senior Research Advisor, NIES
2011-17 Secretary-General, Low Carbon Asia Research Network (LoCARNet)
2012-17 Member, Board of Trustees, IGES
2017- Counsellor, IGES; Senior Fellow, IGES
Contributions to International and National Professional Bodies:
1988-2007 Contributions to IPCC and dissemination IPCC output in Japan:
- Secretary for Vice Chair of WGII Prof. Hashimoto
- Co-chair of WGII: Climate Change 1992: The Supplementary Report to the IPCC Impacts Assessment
- Coordinating Lead Author (with Carter, Parry & Harasawa)
- IPCC Special Report 1994: IPCC Technical Guidelines for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations
- Coordinating Lead Author (FAR, Chap 5)
- Coordinating Lead Author (SAR, Chapter 26)
- Lead Author (TAR Chapter 2)
- Review Editor (AR4 Chapter 10)
- Planning of IPCC related WS:
- IPCC Asia-Pacific Workshop on Integrated Assessment Models (UNU, Tokyo, March 10, 1997)
- IPCC/UNEP/MoEJ WS for Technical Guidelines for Assessing Impacts of and Adaptation to Climate Change (AIACC) (Montreal, 1993)
- Work on enhancing interest on climate change and IPCC work
- Vice Chair, IPCC Committee of Japan
- Japanese translation IPCC Report: (Supervising/translation)
- IPCC FAR WG2 report: Impacts Assessment of Climate Change
- IPCC SAR: IPCC Second Assessment: Climate Change 1995
- IPCC SAR WG3 report: Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change.
- Personal publications, articles, essays, commentaries and lectures in Japan to disseminate the IPCC’s work: More than 150
1992-95 Member, Science Steering Committee (SSC) of Global Change System for Analysis, Research, and Training (START)
1993-95 Member, Pollution Control Group, China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED)
1996-01 Member, Science Planning Committee of Asia-Pacific Network on Global Change Research (SPC/APN)
1995-97 UNEP/GEO1 (Global Environment Outlook). NIES participated as one of 20 Collaborating Centers, consisting of eminent international research organizations
1998 Organizer & Co-chair, The 2nd International meeting of IHDP, hosted by IGES in Hayama, June 1998
1998-01 Member, Science and Technological Advisory Panel (STAP) of Global Environment Facility (GEF)
2001-05 Review Editor, Chapter 13 (Climate impact), Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
2007-17 Secretary-General, International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies: LCS-RNet
2011-17 Secretary-General, Low Carbon Asia Research Network (LoCARNet)
1999-02 Member, Council for Science & Technology Policy, Japan (Global Environment), Cabinet Office
2001-14 Member, Central Council for Environment of Japan (Global Environment)
- 2009-10: Chair, Mid-Long-term Roadmap for Climate Strategy, Central Council for Environment (Global Environment)
- 2010-12: Chair, Committee on Climate Policy and Measures after 2013, Central Council for Environment (Global Environment)
2001-07 Chair, Committee for Global Environmental Science and Technology, Science and Technology Council, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
2002-03 Chair, Study Group on Kyoto Mechanism, Ministry of the Environment (MoEJ)
2003-09 Member, Council for Science and Technology (energy), Japan
2007-08 Collaborative Member, Science Council of Japan (SCJ)
2008-09 Member, Committee on mid-term reduction target to be submitted to G7 2009 and UNFCCC-COP15, Cabinet Office
2008-12 Technical Counsellor, MEXT
2009-10 Member, Committee for promotion of R&D Strategy of Low Carbon Society, MEXT
2009-13 Chair, Council for Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
2010-12 Member, Committee for promotion of R&D strategy of Green Innovation, MEXT
2012-13 Collaborative Member, Science Council of Japan (SCJ)
2013-17 Member, Council for Environment, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Research Activities
Major Research Project for Climate Change
1989-92 Leader, 2050 Low Carbon Japan Project
Budget: Overall Promotion of Environmental Research, MoEJ
Members: 15 researchers from national research institutes, universities, and think tanks
Content: Identify a framework for climate policy and discuss policy options in urban structure, renewable energy, insulation of housing, absorption potential, lifestyles, collaboration with developing nations, and economic measurements
Outcomes: Research outputs were compiled into two special edition issues of the Journal “Environmental Research Quarterly” (No. 77 and 86), and were reflected in the planning of research funding. The main messages of the research output were presented at the UNCED (the Earth Summit) as one contribution from Japan.
2004-2008 Leader, 2050 Low Carbon Japan project
Budget: ¥100 million x 5years (Overall Promotion of Environmental Research, MoEJ)
Members: More than sixty researchers from national research institutes, Universities and think tanks
Sub-Projects: ① Scenario synthesis mainly developed by NIES/AIM Group
② Circular economy analysis led by NIES/Material Group
③ Design of urban system and transportation led by Nagoya Univ.
④ Impact of IT oriented society led by Tokyo Univ.
⑤ Setting of the 2050 goal with the context of equity, feasibility and international contribution
Outcomes: Just before the Toyako G8 Summit in 2008, Prime Minister Fukuda declared that Japan will aim toward a low carbon society and cut emissions by 60-80% by 2050, based on the findings of this study. Then, Japan officially set its 80% long-term reduction target.
2007-2011: Co-leader with Professor Matsuno: KAKUSHIN 21 Project (Climate Change Predictions for the 21st Century)
Budget: ¥2.52 Billion x 5years (Sponsored by MEXT)
Members: JAMSTEC, National Research Institutes, Universities
Device: “Earth Simulator”
Sub-Projects: ① Global warming prediction model
② Quantification and reduction of model uncertainty
③ Impact assessment related to natural disaster
(Shuzo Nishioka was in charge of ③)
Outcomes: These model studies provided a volume of results to IPCC AR5 and for practical use, such as predicting that typhoons will become more in the Asian oceans. The number of typhoons is predicted to decrease, but is likely to make landfall more frequently. Such predictions have been contributing to the weather forecast in Japan in recent years.
Awards: 1997 Nikkei Global Environmental Technology Award (for contributions to climate change research, research coordination and systematization, and risk communication of climate change)
(Contributions to the IPCC as a member of its community also led to the IPCC’s 2007 Nobel Peace Prize)
Major publications
- Nishioka, S. ed. (1994): Fifty Hypotheses on the Global Environment. Tokai University Press. (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S and H. Harasawa, ed. (1998): Global Warming: The Potential Impact on Japan. Springer.
- Nishioka, S (1998): “Fairness and Local Environmental Concerns in Climate Policy,” Chapter 8 in Fair Weather? Equity Concerns in Climate Change, F. Toth, ed. Earthscan, London.
- Nishioka, S. and H. Harasawa, ed. (1998): Climate Change and its Impacts on Japan. Kokon Shoin (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S (1998): “Vision of Earth in 21 Century,” Chapter 1 in How Chemical Science Contribute to Survival of Human-being-Resources and Environment in 21 Century. Dainippontosho (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. ed. (2000): Global Environmental Research: New Direction Towards the Next Decade. Kokonn Shoin (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. ed. (2001): GHG reduction Technologies in Japan. Energy Forum (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. ed. (2008): Japan Low Carbon Society Scenarios Towards 2050. Nikkan-kogyo Shinbun (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S., K. Murano & T. Miyazaki (2009): Book 1--Global Environment. Gijutu-hyoron (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (2012): Designing Low Carbon Society--Is Zero-emission Possible? Iwanami Shinsho (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. K. Ueta & H. Morisugi, ed. (2014): How to Confront the Risk of Climate Change. Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, Inc. (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S., ed. (2016): Enabling Asia to Stabilise the Climate. Springer.
Technical Reports:
- Nishioka. S. et al (1990): Human Settlement and the Energy, Transport and Industrial Sectors: Human Health, Air Quality, and Changes in Ultraviolet-B Radiation (WG2 Chapter 5).
- Carter, T., H. Harasawa, M. Parry, S. Nishioka (1994): Technical Guidelines for Assessing Impacts of and Adaptations to Climate Change (IPCC)
- Dawning, T., S. Nishioka et al. (2001): Methods and Tools (in Climate Change 2001, Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability (IPCC/SAR, WG2))
- Nishioka, S. (1989): Approaches to Global Warming Research in the US . Environment Research Quarterly No.74 (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. ed. (1990): Special Issue: Interim Report of the Study Group on Policy Options for Moderating Global Climate Change. Environment Research Quarterly No.77, Environment Research Center (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (1990): Viewpoints from Policy Science are Essential for Global Warming. Environment Research Quarterly No.77. Environment Research Center (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. & Y. Moriguchi (1990): Carbon Dioxide Emission in Japan: Trend in Comparison with Other Industrial Countries. Environment Research Quarterly No.77, Environment Research Center (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (1990): Restructuring Automobile Locked–in Cities. Sekai No.545 Iwanami (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (1992): Cosmo Plan II: An Integrated Proposal for Innovation of Socio-economic Structure for Preventing Global Warming. Environment Research Quarterly No.86, Environment Research Center (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. & T. Morita (1992): Cosmo Plan II: A Schematic Diagram of Policies for Socio-economic Structural Change for Stabilizing Climate. Environment Research Quarterly No.86, Environment Research Center. (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (1992): Asia Global Environment Research Consortium: Knowing More about the Asian Environment. Environment Research Quarterly No.86, Environment Research Center (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S., H. Harasawa & Y. Moriguchi (1994): Methodologies for Collection and Assessment of Information to Support Global Environmental Policy. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, No.498, JSCE (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (1996): Global Change: New Development of Environmental Science. Japan Scientific Monthly, Vol.49, No.12. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (1996): Mission and future of the IPCC. Environmental Information Science, Vol.25, No.1. (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (1996): International Activities of the HDP. Environmental Information Science, Vol.25, No.1. Center for Environmental Information Science (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (1996): How to Promote Global Environment Research. Environmental Information Science, Vol.25, No.1. Center for Environmental Information Science (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (1996): Expanding the Scope of Research for Managing the Global Environment. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, October 1996, JSCE (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S.& Y. Kawashima (1997): Dialogue between Politics and Science Regarding the Climate Change Issue. Research on Environmental Protection, Vol.27 No.2, Iwanami (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (1997): Reforming Technological Society Towards Global Environmental Change. Refrigeration, Vol.72 No.832, Japan Society of Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (1998): Policy and Science in the Era of Global Risk--Is Science Preparing Properly for the Coming Society of Living with Risk? Environmental Information Science, Vol.27, No.4. Center for Environmental Information Science (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (2003): Time to Integrate Science and Technology for Realising a Sustainable Society. Environment Research Quarterly No.131, Environment Research Center (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (2004): Reasons of Low Carbon Society--Dangerous levels of Global Warming. Environment Research Quarterly No.133, Environment Research Center (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (2004): Sharing Insights Regarding the Aim of Climate Change Policy and Its Implications. Environment Research Quarterly No.138, Environment Research Center (in Japanese).
- Nishioka, S. (2008): A Japanese Climate Policy Based on Science, Equity and Cooperation. Asia-Pacific Review, Vol. 1. pp. 25-35.
- Skea, J. and S. Nishioka (2008): Policies and Practice for a Low Carbon Society, Climate Policy, Vol. 8 Supplement, pp. 5-16.
- Tamura, K., T. Kuramochi and S. Nishioka (2015): The Carbon Budget Approach for Enhancing Climate Policy. Environment Research Quarterly No.178, Environment Research Center (in Japanese).
- Ishikawa, T. and S. Nishioka (2016): “Japan’s Comprehensive and Continual Support Package for the Creation of Scientific Climate Policies in Asia,” in Enabling Asia to Stabilise the Climate, S. Nishioka, ed., Springer Open.
- Nishioka, S. (2017): Legacy of Environment Research Quarterly--Global Warming (Mitigation). Environment Research Quarterly No.182, Environment Research Center (in Japanese).